Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Bea is on the needles!

Kim really knows her stuff. Look at how gorgeous Bea is...

I love the garter stitch on the bottom. There is something about garter stitch, so simple yet so lovely. The pattern has some "dart" decreases and waist decreases in the garter stitch, which gives it a beautiful shape.

Look at the stitch pattern...


The pattern is done on the WS but shows on the RS. You have to check the beginning of the row of the right side to see where to start the pattern.

I really love this Rowan Wool Cotton. The stitch definition is wonderful and it is easy to knit with. Plus, being part cotton, I won't overheat in it!

I have already decreased the armholes on the back and am currently heading for the shoulders. It won't be long...I can't put it down!

Don't worry Dad, I have been working on your socks as well...I am nearing the cuff of the second sock. Look for the finished pair this week!


Peg-woolinmysoup said...

Beautiful! You will be ready for the hot Ontario summers. In fact, I think you have already enjoyed some heat! Such stitch definition that it makes trying cotton again a must!

Singular Stitches said...

Very pretty! Your knitting is just gorgeous!

Stacey said...

That is beautiful! I really like that stitch pattern!

Unknown said...

That is so pretty. I like the color.

I have been wanting to try a wool/cotton blend. I think you've talked me into it!

~Jody said...

Gorgeous! Can't wait to see it finished (are ya done yet? you knit so fast I wouldn't be suprised!)

Dorothy said...

Very pretty. Almost tempts me to try knitting garments for a change!

andrea said...

It's beatiful!, and you are so fast!

Sue said...

Beautiful and you are such a quick knitter. Love the pattern detail too. I love her patterns but I think her kits are a bit expensive for me.

Anonymous said...

You are all about the all-over patterns lately, aren't ya! It looks great.

Jofrog Johanna was knitting this at Knitsmiths last week and I was quite taken by the pattern. I might be following in your steps for this knit as well.

And yeah, wool cotton is good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Bea is going to be a very pretty sweater. You're so good at choosing the right pattern. I can't wait to see it when you're done. And I have to agree, you knit so fast. Amazing!

LisaB said...

Once again, you are so fast! Bea looks gorgeous! Ooh I love Rowan Wool Cotton. I made a cabled sweater out of it last fall and it was so nice to work with.

Anonymous said...

Oh my...I just love it! It looks beautiful. That is one of the designs that I have been coveting. Can't wait to see more!