Tuesday, October 03, 2006

10 Knitterly Things you didn't know about me, a meme

Ok, it's taken a little time to think of 10....so thanks to Grumperina, here it goes...

1. I hate knitting with hairy yarn. Long ago, back when I was a beginner, I wanted to make this Rockstar scarf. I bought the koigu and the hairy monkey yarn...after a small section of working with the hairy yarn, I quit. Thankfully so, because the koigu later became these.
Remember River? No? Neither do I. Nuff said.

2. I knit patterns that don't require a lot of thought. As much as I love a well fitted garment, I choose the one that basically will fit me well. I would reather spend the time knitting than doing the math to make the garment fit.

3. I must learn new techniques. I had a fantastic art teacher in highschool (His name is Zimmerman...hey that is so weird that I now learn so much from the knitting Zimmerman) He said that you must learn something new everyday...it makes it all worth while. So, every project I hope to learn something new. You know, then I can become one of the all knowledgable knitting guru's.

4. I think often of opening a knitting boutique. One day, when I become a knitting guru, I may just do it. I am leaning towards a knit cafe. In the mean time, I WILL go into both the LYSs here and fix them up. I hate the way they are put together. 10 years in retail management and merchandise display work, I could really help them sell what they have.

5. I love casting on. I really do take some time and think about which of the million cast on's out there will apply to the project..

6. Socks are a must knit for me. I will be knitting socks for my grandchildren.

7. I will never spin yarn. I know, never say never, but I will never spin yarn.

8. I may try dying yarn one day. The colourwork interests me, but dying yarn would never become a source of income. I know, never say never.

9. I think often that I should knit for charity...but I have too many relatives that I love knitting for. Heck, there is a hospital right next door to me, those babies could all be wearing a little hat knit by me. I consider knitting for my brother Tom knitting for charity. (I know you will ask where your sweater is Tom...lets just say when we choose names for Christmas, I WILL get your name.)

10. I am a blog stalker. How could I have the time with two young children, all that knitting, a house to uphold and the blogging that I do...well I make the time. I stalk all of you and you don't even know it. Some of you may have figured it out...my internet host showing up in your hits a million times a day. Thank goodness I discovered bloglines...oh the times that I was waiting and waiting for a post...constantly checking your blog...like some crazy knitting stalker maniac.


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Well, I stalk you, too. There you have it, hope it's not too creepy :).

    Thanks for answering!

  2. Your 10 items could have been mine! I agree with all of them 100%. I usually don't comment on blogs, but I absolutely love reading them...anyways, I thought I would tell you that your blog is one of my favorites. You are in good company with BrooklynTween(thanks to reading your blog), Grumperina, and Knit and Tonic. You are a beautiful knitter and fast too! Keep up the great work!

  3. Anonymous11:57 AM

    HA! The Rockstar Scarf! Me too! I remember printing out the pattern and taking it to every LYS in town looking for Koigu and the specified hairy yarn. I got about twelve inches into the thing. Then it sat for maybe a year. Finally I frogged it. Part of the Koigu went into a pair of bootees for a friends baby.

  4. I too am a blog stalker. My "bookmarks" list takes 20 minutes to scroll through. But so much more fun than reading the dreading world news.

    Also, I hate fuzzy yarns, but my kids love them. Just finished a fuzzy pillow for my daughter's 13th birthday: fuzz fuzz fuzz. My fingers feel like they're growing their own.

  5. Er... that should have read: the "dreadful" world news. I know, I know, preview before you post. sigh

  6. #7 -- I think I am in the same boat. I don't think I want to spin. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

  7. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I'm a total blog stalker too. Bloglines has also made life a lot easier for me. Good luck with avoiding spinning. I was hooked.

  8. I'm afraid I stalk blogs when avoiding work, but I only comment occasionally. I enjoyed reading your meme, and I followed the link about your brother. My sister has similar problems with misplacing her knit gifts. I just talked to her last night, and I asked if she knows were the last hat I made her is. "It's on the table," she replied. "Have you seen it though?" I asked. "It's on the table," she repeated. The issue is that she hasn't actually seen the hat for about 10 months, but she keeps insisting that she knows it's somewhere on her table. You don't want to know what her table looks like.

    Thanks for the great blog.

  9. I also blog stalk....so no worries there!
    And I hate funny yarn! I don't know how people love to knit with that stuff, it makes me crazy with how freaking FUZZY it it!

  10. I'm also a blog stalker - and am always so happy when I see from bloglines that your blog has been updated!

    Love your 10 things. And I'm with ya - I will never spin yarn.

  11. I'm a blog stalker too! I read as many as I can get through every day. I try to get to yours as often as I can.

    I would love to open a Knit Cafe someday. I also go into stores and mentally rearrange things so that they are more esthetically pleasing.

  12. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Fun read! #4 you should do it! especially with your knitting expertise and work background. Hey, that would be a great show....lys makeover.

  13. Anonymous8:29 PM

    I'm with you on the never spinning, maybe dyeing items. And I too like to KNIT, not figure out how to make something fit.

  14. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Thanks for the tip on bloglines, I spent last night uploading my fav blogs into bloglines! Now I won't have to be such a stalker. Between bloglines and Wists I can kinda keeped my surfing on the web organized. Thanks!


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