Well, I wore them for a day...almost the full day...well as long as I like to keep socks on. I even put shoes on...but really just for the ride home from my inlaws. I didn't take a photo...unfortunately...but they stretched sooooo much. I mean they were sagging down at my ankles. The foot was too big as well. It was a sad state of affairs. I put them aside to wash. Well, I haven't washed them yet, and I put them on again. They seem to fit okay when I put them on initially...but soon started to sag again.

My gauge when they were knit was 7.5 sts in an inch. Now...after about 1 hour of wear....7 sts in an inch. What's the big deal...1/2 of a st in an inch...well, that means that the sock is now more than 1/2" bigger than the knit size. Not good. I don't really know what to do about them now. I can recall having to continually reach down and pull them up....no, no. This will not do.
This is why I am now knitting the retro rib socks tighter.
Any suggestions on what to do with my Saggy Socks?
i do adore koigu, but, all of my koigu socks get rather "baggy" after minimal wear. it makes me want to stick to more traditional sock yarns, with the nylon, as they seem to be more "resilient" (sp?) tough beautiful, it's a shame for such a sock to be retired for bed use only :(
maybe to fix this problem, one can crochet or weave in some tiny elastic in the cuff area?
Hmm. Maybe run a couple lines of elastic around the top and a few other places in the leg. Shouldn't be too hard to sew in with just a needle. All else fails, give them to someone with "fatter" legs. :)
I agree with the elastic...I think I remember Grumperina doing this on a pair of socks a while ago.
I think I'd try seaming out one of the pattern repeats. Seam the purl part of the pattern together and then sew it up and cut out the excess fabric? Maybe that is too drastic for a pair of socks.
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