Is this what it is suppose to look like? I don't like how it is pulling the ribbing apart...I am not enjoying is stressing me out. I am so close to picking up my two year olds crayola scissors and just start cutting up lucky...the little darling has been eyeing my yarn anyway.
I got very little sleep last night because of the cold virus my children picked up in disneyland, I've only had one coffee today, and I have a whinny two year old sitting with me...why not start seaming the neckband?
I think the seaming is looking pretty good. I bet the pull at the ribbing will disappear as soon as you block and wear your sweater. You're so close, don't give up yet, just have a bit more coffee first :).
Take a deep breath and step away from the Crayola scissors. :) I think it looks fantastico.
okay...put..the scissors away. you just need a good blocking afterwards and that should do it. seaming the neckband involved alot of pulling and tugging and finding where the horizontal bars naturally it's going to look a little wonky. it'll be ok, i promise.
I'm not even done knitting Lucky yet, and I'm already dreading that neckband! I absolutely love your color though. That's reason enough to stick it out!
I just came accross your website via the comment you left on the Debbie Bliss site.
Your knitting looks wonderful, I am sure blocking and a bit with the steam iron will do the trick.
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