Noticed how I lined them up to watch a movie...oh yeah, sit still and be quiet!
SSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH, she's on my bed blocking...behind closed doors...away from small children...
I need to try her on when the neckband is dry...and then...if all goes well...I will post a picture!
Been there, done that :). I worked as a pre-school teacher a few years ago, with the 3-year-old class. Not all of them were potty trained yet, but they all could talk and run away and be a pain in the butt - the worst of both worlds. I won't sign myself up again for that one any time soon.
Guess what? I'm an elementary school teacher, but I won't ever teach anything younger than 1st grade. That's bad enough. 25 or so 6 year olds with runny noses? Fun!
I cannot wait to see Lucky on you!
looks's the model shot? *antsy and giddy*
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