Anyway, many have asked about the book I have for the Ribbed Helmet. It is Beehive's Winter Headwear from Patons. Book No. 118...there doesn't seem to be a year written on it.
What great patterns in here I can envision in modern yarns.

This is my second attempt at this hat. There is no gauge listed, just worsted weight yarn. I know I knit tighter than the average knitter, so I knit the adult size up to the eyes....
So I started again.
I have lots of time;)
(That's the back of Urban Aran in the background...blocked so beautifully.)
I have seen that book at the Sally Ann, and may have owned it at one time. Those are perfect hats you are knitting - imagine no gauge! I also want to knit Urban Aran - will watch yours with interest!
I'm beginning to feel the holiday panic myself, and have nowhere near your knitting speed. (Plus, I have a 16 month old babe at my knees!)
I have some ungodly list of things to do, and it is sheer folly to think I will actually accomplish them. But here's to denial being a wonderful companion!
And, in true knitterly fashion, instead of feverishly working on my Christmas/Chanukkah projects, I'm working on a sweater for the baby, who could care less. But it's my first steeking project, so I want to see the results!!!!! Gift hats and socks be damned, I'm gonna steek me a sweater, y'all! :)
I looked through all the patterns I have in some of my older books, no gauge listed. I don't know how I'm going to manage to knit sweaters from them. I suspect they think you should buy the yarn they used. In which case, the ball band's recommended gauge should be right. Problem is, have fun finding some of the yarns used.
I have a bunch of vintage patterns from my grandma. There is definately some potential in there with modern yarns!
Good luck with figuring out the gauge. Your work is lovely, as usual. Don't stress about Christmas, an IOU with a sample of the yarn would be appreciated. It wouldn't take you long at all to make good on your promises.
hi -- looking a few posts back. i second jared by saying don't worry about the diagonal cables adding too much shape. i just knit the urban aran for my hubbie. this past weekend i was commenting to him that if i knit that sweater for him again i would have omitted the diagonal stitches. he told me that he liked that part. good luck finishing up your holiday projects. can't wait to see how they work out!
Fun old patterns....I guess we're lucky that pattern writing has improved so much!
thats some nice green yarn, what is it?
I KNOW I had that book. I am tearing the house apart looking for it (we moved in May so everything is still out of order). But I have a vague memory of clearing out some of my 'out-dated but not old enough to be really interesting' books...I have a sinking feeling that book was in that pile :(
Could you post another picture of the pattern...this time showing how many sts to cast on for the boy's version? :)
Ha! I found this book on ebay!! And I JUST bought it. I know you thought I was mocking when I told you I wanted to make one for robbing a bank here in San Diego (since it never gets that cold). But I am serious about making one!!! My 15 year old boy is dying for one!! Go figure.
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