Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The inner knitter is talking....

I started Urban Aran a couple days ago...well, friday on a long drive. So here I am...the back is complete

You see, I am having trouble with those stitches at the waist area. Although there is no shaping, these cabled stitches actually create the shape. I don't really want any shaping. I think they appear tighter because my row guage was off. I just feel a little unsure of the whole thing...but look at Jared''s so fabulous.
I figure I will block this piece and see how it turns out before I proceed.

On another sent me some update for my browser. So I updated it...the colour is great...but wouldn't you expect them to import your favourites? I am having a small heart attack right now. All those links you saved...the knitting tips...the one day I will knit this...those blogs you haven't added to yarn shopping...EVERYTHING IS GONE!

And what's up with my header...the outline is now all wonky...and it is cut off at the top? Do you see that too?

I just can't deal with this right now.


Kaitie Tee said...

Yep the header looks a little off to me too. Weird thing is that I don't even use Explorer - I use Firefox.

Anonymous said...

header looks fine to me.
by the way--i just started your R2D2 hat.
i'll let you know how it goes for me.

Ashley said...

I also use Firefox, and your header has always looked a little wonky to me. But I'd rather have you spend the time churning out fabulous knits for me to drool over than fixing it ;)

j a r e d said...

Hey Carolyn!
The "Shaping" cables wont block out as easily as you hope. I was a little annoyed with them too. You just can't stretch them out like the ribbing above and below, due to the nature of such a thick cable. After seaming, mine is still mostly "straight bodied" though. I think it will work itself out.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

I think Urban Aran is lookin' good! Try looking under "Documents and Settings" to see if your favorites might be saved there. It's worth a shot. I would be lost without my favorites! I hope you recover them.

Anonymous said...

I've been looking at the Urban Aran since I made the Must Have Cardigan from "Street Smart". Yours is looking beautiful....Are you making it pullover style or a cardigan like Jared's?? I guess I can wait patiently and see!

Chicago Jen said...

Your header looks fine to me, but then previously it was always a little screwy. I'm working on the Urban Aran for my brother, too. I'm doing it in Lorna's Laces bulky in Charcoal. So far I'm loving it and I just finished the waist cables myself. I'm hoping to finish the back this weekend and block it out to see how it relaxes. Good luck!

HPNY KNITS said...

it looks great on a Mac, as always!

Courtney said...

the header looks fine to me, but I am on a mac, and everything looks better on a mac. :)
the back of the sweater looks great. I am sure that once it is all seamed, and on you, you will like the subtle shaping those cables provide. It is a super cool sweater, and I can't wait to see what it looks like on a woman, I have only ever seen Jarred's version. :)

Anonymous said...

I would like first to say that I enjoy your blog very much. Your designs have been inspiring and knitting motivating!
You may be able to retrieve your favorites under the documents and setting as Kelly said. If not, you may also try restoring Windows (using System Restore) to a past date, copy and past the favorites on to a document file and then re-install the updated Windows. I've suffered a similar loss with a MSN upgrade. It is extremely frustrating and I never recovered some of the list. I've learned my lesson. Now I copy my favorites (bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox), paste them in a document and email the document to myself at a email address that won't get lost or deleted. If you need more help, please feel free to email me. (Address is on my blog)
P.S. I live in the Detroit metro area and wonder: Do the yarn stores across the river have a different selection of yarns and needles?

Anonymous said...

You might want to look at a website called Backflip (www. It's basically an on-line place for your bookmarks. They've been around for a long while (at least five years). It eliminates the Oh God What Happened to My Bookmarks trauma. It's also very handy for when you're not on your own computer and need to get to the really cool site you can't quite remember.
The Urban Aran is looking good. And the sheep dress and booties are just too cute for words.

Jacqui said...

I've got the same problem with the new Explorer. If you click on the "star" it will bring up your favourites in a column on the left, but I like the old way where I keep my whole screen and just drop down favourites as I need them. Sheesh!

Anyway your Urban Aran is looking great. Good for you for making the Debbie Bliss showing (I think I read that you did?) I wasn't able to make it as I had to go out of town that weekend, but at least I could read about it on your blog! ;)

Brenda said...

I use Firefox on a Mac, and the outline on your header has been off since I started reading you blog a few months ago. But I wouldn't worry about it; your posts look great.

DancesInGarden said...

Hmmm. Everything looks fine to me, especially that piece of knitting! I think it will block out, although I still think it looks good as it is LOL. Thanks for the heads up on the LYS, I made it to the one I have been missing and spent $75.00 (the owner was a darling and told me I could call if I needed to come later). It was nice to finally SEE some of the stuff I have only been able to read about. Who am I kidding, I mauled it as well.

Wait a minute. Maybe I shouldn't thank somebody for finding a new place for me to spend money ;).

kristin said...

OMG! I will be happy to send you all my links, in grateful thanks for the R2D2 hat. I have go-jillions.

Anonymous said...

At you it is remarkable it turns out. Fine work!