Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Again, lets keep it moving...

Thank you all for your comments on the swallowtail shawl...what a great gift it will be!

Now with some knits out of the way...it was time to get the Stars Wars Hat moving again.

The second pattern repeat is done and I have started the decreases. I may go back to a couple rows to rework the pattern for the decreases...then it will be perfect.

We don't want anything less than perfect!

Tell me, will there be interest in this pattern? I will make better notes when decreasing if anyone would like a copy of the pattern. The R2 D2 motif is not mine, so I will have to consult my lawyer on that one, maybe contacting the motif creator...


soapy said...

very kewl!

Peg-woolinmysoup said...

Great hat, but I don't think 16 and 13 year old girls would like Star Wars. Have knit leg warmers and "Fetching" fingerless gloves for them, but might also include a pair of Mrs. Beeton's wristlets!

Anonymous said...

My 7yo son thinks it's great and wants to try it himself! (Although he's doing great with knits and purls, I might do this one FOR him!) However, you have such great pictures, I could probably copy it from those.

Kelly said...


I saw the moif ages ago and suspect that I will need some Star Wars socks when I get a few other things off the needles...

Sue J. said...

My 22 year old son would love to have that hat! I would absolutely buy the pattern if you decided to sell!
He'd love socks to match the hat, too. Please consider selling the hat pattern.
Sue J.

Trish said...

Sadly, I think my husband would love that hat (he's a huge Star Wars geek, I mean fan).

Anonymous said...

I would love to have a copy of the pattern. My fiance would go nuts for it!

Anonymous said...

i would LOVE the pattern for my nephew!!!

geeksbewithyou said...

I would love a copy of this pattern. Lots of nerds in my life.

jr said...

my husband declared that he "NEEDED" a hat like this....I would love to get the pattern. Great work as always!

Anonymous said...

yes, please please pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease! want want want star wars hat pattern ;-)
Your FO´s are ever so inspiring, not only to the grumperina!

Anonymous said...

I Want! My 8 year old is obsessed with R2D2. Even though we live in AZ and he'll never get to wear it, it is a "must have" item.