Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Green Cherry is about ready to pick!

Almost there...

(this photo is not the true colour, it is a deeper green)

One thing my inner knitter kept saying to me...

Don't you think that ribbing is too tight? Maybe you should use US#4's...don't you think. Boy you are sure going to have to block that ribbing!

It's true...I should have used 4's...but we will see after blocking.

All that is left (after drying) is seaming then the buttonband and neckbands. I am into my 8th ball of yarn...I hope I will have enough!
There is a mistake in the arm ribbing. The number of stitches doesn't work for the ribbing she wrote...I will let Anna know. Also, a little confusion in the first couple rows after the ribbing. I knit the first row of the pattern, when I should have cast off 4 sts beginning with row 1. Then another 4 sts on the following row.

Hopefully I will have something to show tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Wow, what an awesome blocking board. Wherever did you find it?

The Green Cherry looks awesome, too. *wink*

Laura B said...

Can't wait to see the finished product!

Acornbud said...

Wow, looking wonderful!

Jenn said...

Looks Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Wow you knit so fast. I'm doing mine in green too, but a lighter green. What size are you knitting? Your green cherry is going to be gorgeous. Can't wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

Seconding Gina, here: great blocking board! And waiting to see what the totally finished "Cherry" looks like, because it's sure looking great so far.

LisaB said...

That looks wondeful! I can't wait to see it finished.

Anonymous said...

Wow Carolyn, you are amazing. Everything looks wonderful, and it will be a great color on you. Can't wait to see it all done up.

Stacey said...

That looks great - the pattern and the color!