It knits up really quickly. The pattern is easy to follow. I can't say that I have memorized it...I just need to glance at the beginning of the row. You can also easily catch mistakes as you knit....yes I do make mistakes. (can you see the one I didn't fix? I really caught it late...and...and...well...you can hardly see it)
I have had to tink back a couple times...no big deal.
It is now a "scarf" size...6 repeats of the main pattern. I could stop here because Great Nonna is so little...a scarf may be a shawl on her! I'll do another repeat and then check my yarn situation. I think seven repeats is all I will get out of it, along with the icord edging....
My goodness, you are quick! That is a very pretty pattern.
Well, if you didn't put the mistake front and center, it wouldn't be noticeable at all!
It is absolutely gorgeous. You are amazingly fast!
Mistake - what mistake?? It's lovely and FAST! I can't believe your already done! It's beautiful! Your Nonna will love it!
OMG, you really need to stop that! Just yesterday it was a teeny tiny little thing, and now it's almost done! Your progress makes me look like such a slacker ;).
Holy Moly, that was quick. You whipped that one out so fast and it looks amazing!
That is just beautiful! I'm sure it will be treasured.
Very beautiful. I would challenge anyone not be impressed by it.
I'd say that was record time. It's very pretty!
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