Started: April 16, 2006
Finished: April 20, 2006 (that includes blocking!)
Yarn: Regia Silk in charcoal grey 2 balls
Pattern: Diamond Lace Fantasy Shawl
Adjustments: None really. I added one repeat on to the "scarf" length and still had some yarn left over...I don't think I would have had enough for another repeat...but maybe! I blocked it 29" to the tip and 59" wide. The yarn relaxed to 28"x59". The size is perfect for my little Great Nonna.

OHHHHH the NONNA POSE...I think the neighbours were watching me out the window on this one.

I really enjoyed knitting this shawl. The yarn is lovely to knit with. Seriously, it could be one of my favourites. With 55% merino wool, 20% silk and 25% polymid, it is so soft and luxurious. It is very much like a DB Baby Cashmerino, but obviously in a sock weight. I know some of you have asked how it holds up, and I will give you that answer after the weekend when I go and examine Mom's socks.
It makes beautiful socks and now a gorgeous shawl! What else will I knit with it?!
The pattern kept my interest, yet I could still beat my husband at scrabble...3 nights in a row. The WS is purling, except for the edges, and the patterned RS was simple to knit.
A fabulous knit, which I will probably knit again....but next time with the addtions of beads!
Here is my little letter to Nonna...with the help of this web site. Those that read Italian, please let me know if I am saying something offensive!
Ho trovato un bel modella di scialle che ho pensato lei amerebbe. E fatto di seta e di lana cosi la terra abbastaza caldo. ll Because delle fibre naturali, lei non avra bisogno di lavarlo motto spesso. Dovrebbe essre una volta all'anno bello. Ho incluso della istruzioni speciali con le foto per aiutare quando ha bisogno di essere lavato.
Forse questo sara l'estate che saremo in grado di venire la visita. Poi posso lavarlo per lei!
Amare Carolyn
Hehe...Tina...let Michael know that it's on!
The shawl is beautiful.
Gorgeous! I was fortunate to see the Regia Silk in person this weekend, and immediately ordered some. It is so lovely, I'm sure great for both socks and shawls!
I am consistently agog at what a fast knitter you are! The shawl is beautiful. Your Nona will love it. :)
wow, beautiful! Where did you get the pattern?
Lovely!! I am going to have to get my hands on some of that Regia Silk. You are such an inspiring knitter, always something new and exciting flying off your needles!!
Oh, simply fabulous. Your Great Nonna will be so stylish.
I can't wait to see what you decide to knit next!
What a beautiful shawl! I love it!
You are amazingly fast! in all your projects! when do you knit?
I love the name of your blog, that's what I say all the time too!!
The shawl will make your grandmother very happy! Lovely all around!
I LOVE that shawl -- what a great stitch pattern. And I've been hearing good things about that Regia Silk. I think I'm going to have to try some.
Your shawl is really pretty! Nice knitting:)
The shawl is really beautiful, your knits are so inspiring. I downloaded the pattern when I saw the yarn harlot's one, but I don't have the proper yarn. Here in Mexico is very difficult to find good yarns. Thank for your attention too, the last time I left a comment on your blog, you answered me. It´s the first time someone answer me a comment.
I cannot belive you knit the DFS is FOUR days? Only 4??? Amazing! I started one a while back and my husband talked all the way through 3 rows and I lost my place. Dejectedly I frogged it. I need to start over again! You've inspired me!
that is one beautiful shawl! wow! i was getting a bit sick of knitting mien (i'm on the 4th rep) but i will persevere now after seeing yours ...
So beautiful! I'll put Regina Silk on my list of yarns to try...maybe even for this exact shawl.
This is really a very beautiful shawl! I'm sure your Nonna will be extremely pleased!
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