I am done with jumbo knits. The photo doesn't show how big it actually is...trust me. I knew it would turn out exactly like this. Why did I knit it? I don't know. It is way too big for my taste. I guess if you like that big sweatshirt type of knit, this one is for you.
Started: January 17, 2006
Finished: January 23, 2006
Pattern: Lace Leaf Pullover by Teva Durham in IK summer 2005. There are a few of typo's in this pattern. If you know what you are doing, you will see. I looked for corrections and none are posted on the IK site. For instance, you CO NOT BO the 8 sts under the armpit. Little things like that.
Yarn: Katia Himalaya in denim. I would not use this yarn again. If you happened to split the plies, especially while seaming...it really sucked. It also stunk when I washed it...now I have to rewash my handknit socks that I put in with it. Although I did pop it in the dryer for a couple of minutes on very low heat and it survived wonderfully.
Adjustments: None really. I didn't cast off the top (not sure why you would) I kept the stitches live inorder to graft them to the bottom piece.
Overall the pattern was quite simple and the seaming and grafting is not as hard as some others seemed to think.
I knit it, I wore it for the photo...and that's all folks.
It always sucks to knit something and then not like it. I'm about to knit the same sweater for the olympics, but I'm knitting it with the intention that it will be a house sweater (never to see the light of day, only to be worn with PJs.) Regardless, you did a great job!
Carolyn, you're so cute with that angry model look :). Sorry the sweater didn't turn out to be your favorite thing ever, but they can't all be winners, right?
You are one fast knitter lady. Holy moly.
The sweater looks great even though it is a biggish kind of sweater.
I might have to take another look at it the pattern because it is a great sweater to go to the movies, go to the rink and whatever.
You are fierce. You should be on some modeling reality TV show or something. :) I know what you mean about the jumbo knits... while your sweater looks great on you for a casual day, I sometimes find it hard to feel pretty and feminine with a really bulky sweater on. But look at all the winning sweaters you've made! There's got to be room for at least one roomy, comfy weekend sweater in there, right?
The sweater does look good on you, are you sure this is the last wearing? Hopefully you enjoyed the knitting! I too finished a bulky sweater this fall that I have worn once and put aside -- such is the life of a knitter.
I agree; keep it for those comfy lazy days. It's not worth frogging for the yarn if you don't love the yarn. And I think I've figured out how you're knitting things up so quickly; you've learned to knit in your sleep! lol
it's a cute sweater nonetheless. not all sweaters need to be tight or form fitting...
love your photo!
You seriously could me America's Next Top Model with all your cool posing.
Bummer about the sweater. Maybe if you ever get pregnant again you can wear it? I'd wear it as a lounge sweater.
That hair down model pose looks AWESOME! I love it! =) Sorry it didn't turn out how you wanted it too. Maybe you can relegate it to the "it's really cold and I need a big comfy sweater to lounge around the house in" sweater, that is, if you dont' frog it.
I think it looks good on you! I made this too and I hate the way it fits. Like a sweatshirt but scratchier. I haven't had the heart to frog it though.
Well, I like it, and I think it looks cute on you. Maybe if you put it in time-out for a while you will like it later. It looks like a very cozy, relaxed kind of sweater.
I agree with the others -- I think it looks cute and would be comfy for around the house with pajama bottoms. But if the yarn isn't soft, or you just really hate it, it doesn't matter how many of us think it's cute!
I had a sweater (also bulky knit) that I made last winter and hated it the first time I wore it. It mostly just sat in my closet. But this weekend my visiting best friend saw it and it fit her very nicely and she loved it. We joked that I was really making it for her and just didn't know it. So maybe you have made Lace Leaf for someone else, you just don't know who yet! :)
Personally, I find the sweater quite nice...it's not THAT baggy...but well, de gustibus non est disputandem.
I think it looks really cute! I'm still waffling on whether or not to make one, but you and the Harlot look great in yours! Not nearly as baggy as the model's.
Sorry you don't like it. Chalk it up to a learning experience. What do you think you'll do with it now?
Maybe it's the color? I still think it looks cute though. Did u knit the smallest size? That's the thing I'm having issues with.
I'm sorry you don't like it, but it looks really cute on you. It does look comfy and a bit large, but it's hard to say just how big it is on you. Hopefully you can relax with in and wear it on a weekend at home?
it looks absolutely great from here! i am going to make this soon; have my doubts about the chunky yarn but the pattern is so cute i can't resist...
u r insane. that sweater is AWESOME on you!!! fits perfectly and looks amazing. I LOVE IT! sorry to be so blunt, but that's just how i am.
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