We are busy working on renovations in the basement....hoping to be done by the end of the month. It will double our living space and give us a second bathroom...I am really excited about this!
I have been working a little on SCP#1 but it is slow moving now. I am hoping to have the front piece done by next week, I'll post a picture once I have something to take a picture of!
I have sent off my sockapaltwoza socks and my sisters socks this morning.
Here is a little something I got from elann.com

If you haven't seen this merino wool yet, it is gorgeous and a great price. It is aran weight...which I usually try to stay away from for myself...but look at the ribbed cardigan! I ordered some grey and blue for my sister and the black will be a project for my brother. He has requested a hat/scarf one piece....Oh I will do a whole post on "The Tom Hat". This may be the first real design I come up with on my own!
I will do the cardigan for myself. Maria has ordered some of this yarn for herself, and some for my bday gift! I can't wait...but I must get somemore things crossed off my holiday knits list. I also have the "River" from rowan on deck...I am hoping to start it with some beading as well.
As for Martha....yesterday was with David Spade...it was just hilarious. The supposed faster crocheter Lily Chin was on crocheting a poncho like martha's "freedom poncho"...and they pulled up in the yarn bus! Cooking in the microwave, as she did in prison, with David Spade...too funny. The t shirt folding many of you have pointed out, is not a Martha technique....and I really won't be using it...my t shirt folding technique is just fine!
Well there may not be much knitting, but you are certainly up to a lot!
Congratulations on getting the exercise every morning and loosing over 5 lbs! Very impressive.
Can't wait to see all the fun yarn come to life.
Glad you liked the David Spade/Martha show too - I just howled with laughter. This show will definetely be one of my new regulars. We're going to be working on our basement/2nd bathroom this winter too... keep us updated on how it's going!
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