It does look small...most likely it will be a little smaller than the pattern size. I knit tight and I just didn't like it on #7 needles. I know lace looks smaller before blocking...we will see.
I really like the whole idea of the stitch ya neck out KAL. I wish I would have joined, but really I have no extra knitting time right now. I have started to think about my Christmas knitting...the list is long.
- Major SCP (secret Christmas project)...remember...here. I still have to go out and purchase the DK weight yarn and get it going.
- Major SCP #2...not quite sure what to do yet, most likely a cardigan...washable for sure.
- A sweater for Lucca...Matteo's is complete.
- DH has seen this design and liked it! That will be major project #3.
- Last year I made hats or socks for the 11 nieces and nephews...what will I do this year? I am think about this for the girls...but no ideas for the boys yet.
- We also pick names for gift amongst siblings. I have to do a little something for that person.
- I was thinking of felting bags for my SIL's. That's two more things to knit there.
- My FIL would also like a sweater.
- My MIL got these already, as you may remember...but I could do a scarf or something for her.
- Socks....there will be lots of socks.
That's all I can think of now...of course there is the sweater for myself I have on the needles...the scarf, the socks...and ribby cardi is waiting...and DH's socks....and...and...and...mybe I will join the next SYNO KAL!
My mom and I both made Ene's and both are definately smaller than the pattern. I was even on with the gauge so I'm not sure about that.
But blocking certainly helps!
Yours is looking great so far!
Oh my gosh, holiday knitting! Yes, its coming up, and its great you are getting a start on it. I think this year everyone on my list is getting socks. Ene's scarf is looking good.. I do want to knit this one at some point..
Wow, that is an impressive list you are thinking of knitting for the holidays. But you are fast, so you probably won't have any problems. I was going through the yarn I have and what I want to knit and I made the executive decision to not knit anything for anyone for Christmas. Ironically, I think it will be cheaper to just buy gifts!
Holiday knitting ?!?!?!?!!??!!??!
That's a big Christmas knitting list! The Picot Bag is really cute. Good luck finding something for the boys.
i have the yarn sitting there crying out to be made into ene's... yours is beautiful. now all i need is the time.
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