Sunday, June 19, 2005

Victory...Sweet Victory!

Beautiful socks.

Start: June 13, 2005
Finish: June 17, 2005
Pattern: "Cable Rib Socks" from Interweave Knits spring 2005
Yarn: Meilenweit Lana Grossa colour#1284 80% wool 20% nylon
Adjustments: The only thing I did was shorten the leg...I can't stand socks too high. I left out two cables.

Love these them. I will make another pair in another colour. I also think that I will make them a touch longer in the toe next time...I seem to have long toes so the 2" for the toes isn't enough...another 1/8" would be perfect.


Dropstitchknitter said...

Gorgeous!!! Love the color!

Anonymous said...

They look great! Your secret sock pal will not be disappointed with the pair you make him/her!

Anonymous said...

Whoa. You finished a PAIR of socks in four days. FOUR (4) days? Do you have an extra pair of hands that we don't know about?

Anonymous said...

The socks look awesome! There's nothing like your first finished sock pair.

Anonymous said...

That was really speedy! You are a sock-knitting machine! They look fabulous.. loving the purple.

goodkarma said...

Oooh la la! Beautiful socks!

I'm beginning to detect a color trend here.... :) I like it!

Anonymous said...

these are gorgeous! i love them. you wouldn't happen to feel like making a second pair for someone really nice and friendly ;-)

Tara said...

wow, good job! I love the color too.