Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What's your number?

This past friday night knit and chat was quite interesting. Depending on who I sit next too...I tend to raz up an innocent knitter;)
We somehow got on the topic of WIP's (works in progress).
Now, I am somewhat OCD. I can't have to many project on the go. I can't stand that...I would stay up late just to finish something.
Mind you I have come a long way. I used to have a maximum of 2 knits on the go...even that would give me the shakes. Now I have 4 on the go! I do get a little worried from time to time about it. I feel the need to finish something. I do have a new project to start for a sample knit...but I just can't.
I need to finish something.

There are certain knitters...not to mention any names...who sat next to me...who's name begins with a P and her daughter owns a yarn store in Guelph...who has 15 or so WIP!! AAAAAA! 15! I just wouldn't sleep! Of course, as most knitters can, she total justifies them. A couple are knit and chat knits, one is on going, some are store is for this...that...all justified! Poor P...I don't think she will want to sit next to me this week;)

I don't think anyone else offered up their WIP number! Maybe because I gave P such a hard time;)
(I have to be kind to P because I also found out she has a stash of fabrics and buttons at home! I think I will head over and help her finish those WIP's for some buttons!)

I will say that once when surfing around on Ravelry I was looking at someone's WIP's and had to scroll down several 50+ WIP! I could feel myself hyperventilating! I had to leave her was so overwhelming. Maybe she hadn't uploaded finished photos and changed her project status to finished? Maybe?

In my own knitting news I finished up the back of Sunlit as well as the arms...did I tell you about that project yet?

sulit pieces

My mauve cotton has decided it would look best as a Kim Hargreaves knit! I will let this project rest a few days in order to finish up my March square for the Great American Afghan along.

mt square progress

Once that is done I will feel better about casting on my new project.

So what is your WIP number?


Trisha said...

I'm a quilter as well as a knitter. My WIP number is off the charts for quilting but knitting it is not so bad. I have three sock sets that are in progress (first one done second one is on the needles). Other than that, just a FLS for my daughter!

MildlyCrafty said...

I'm with you, too many WIPs make me anxious. I think I've only had three things on the go at once and that's because the third one was hibernating because I wasn't sure if I liked it.

CuriousJess said...

I don't get anxious I just try to discipline myself to 2 WIP's at once. I like to have one that is on straights and one in the round or one on 8's and one on 2's. so when I get tired of one I can easily switch to the other.

April Klich said...

My grand total is 10 but it's really closer to 7 since I just have to weave in a myriad of ends before I can consider them finished.

Anonymous said...

I may well be the person you looked at on Rav that has 50+ WIPs. What can I say? Part of my life, the part that does laundry, cooks, and cleans day after day, is mind numbingly boring. I like variety in my knitting. I like keeping track of stuff on Rav because that way I can glance through the projects and decide what I'm in the mood to work on. I decided as long as I'm finishing stuff, I don't care how many WIPs I have. So I'm not even rationalizing it.

Starting March 1st, I did a huge Wing of the Moth blanket in 16 days. Monogamy is ok once in a while!!!

Oh, and I probably have just as many quilt WIPs.

Only a couple of WIPs works for you, because you make gorgeous stuff, but it isn't for everyone.

Anonymous said...

I knit and sew and have a bad, bad case of castonitis. I just counted up my knitted WIPs and am surprised that it is just 6 (at least if I do not count the many things I need to frog). I want to be more like you but I just can't! And I won't tell you how many sewn WIPs I have, as it would frighten you too much.

grumperina said...

I'm like you - can't have too many, it makes me twitchy! Usually I have maybe 2 or 3. Right now it's a bit higher, maybe 6 or so? It doesn't make me particularly happy. I totally understand!

Anonymous said...

Three. The third one is really waiting to get frogged. It's an ongoing battle of being overwhelmed with projects. The feeling of achievement is tainted when I know that I have so many other projects which needs attention. So my resolution is only cast on a manageable number. I hope to be down to only one project at a time soon!

yarnpiggy said...

I'm a bit like you; I try to keep my number of WIPs down to two. But if I were being honest...I think I have six at the moment. Eeeek.

Anonymous said...

I don't like to have more than 3 WIP but I have 5 right now.

1. Bear for daughter
2. Socks for hubby
3. Wrap for me
4. Scarf I need to finish b/c I'm tired of it and realized I don't like knitting scarves.
5. Scarf I'm knitting with daughter. She's 3 and wanting to learn to knit. She holds the needles and I move them. It's a very, very, loose garter stitch so I don't know if that really counts as a WIP.

I refuse to work on anything else until one or two of these projects are finished.

May said...

Yeah, I don't like to have many WIP. Currently got 4 xs one, 2 quilt one, and 6 for knitting. it's about as much as I can handle.
Usually a few active WIP and many sleepers for all the crafts. Some in actuality, I tend to juggle only at most 3 at a time.

Jessie said...

Sadly, mine is currently easily over 20... if not.. um.. 30.

I'm trying to cut that back with moving and getting rid of things and finishing things, but... I've got a tough case of startitis...


Lyz said...

I have one thing to say, P and I get along VERY well indeed. I rationalize it all same as P. one for knit and chat, or maybe two or three in case i change my mind, one or two challenging type projects and some in between ones. It all depends on my mood. Then we won't count the spinning projects will we? Actually my spinning is very much monogamous as I only have three bobbins for my wheel. But! that will change as of tomorrow. I am going out to Wellington Fibres after work to pick up three new bobbins! YA\Y! are you drooling?

Jennifer said...

Oh - it's hard to confess to the number of WIPs I have. Ravelry says it's 14... but I know it's actually higher. I plan to FINISH some this week and FROG some others. That should get me down to a dozen. Oh, wait. I cast on a pair of stockinette socks today. Back to 13. Shucks.

DPUTiger said...

If we're sticking to knitting, then my active WIP list on Rav is accurate -- 4.5. I have a Shetland Triangle swatch I need to block that is otherwise done. A Moebius, a pair of socks I'm starting to loathe (pattern every 4th row slows to a crawl), a pair of colorwork mittens that I should just sit down and finish, and a vest that inspired me last week. Right now I'm just working on the vest, realistically.

Quilting? Yeah, we wont' go there. One deadline project due Sunday. I'll probably miss the deadline. Oh well. There's a reason we're all different, right?

momsue84 said...

I have six WIP's. That's not too bad for me. It's been worse.

Sandra said...

Easily in the double digits. SOme I plan on finishing, some are just, sort of, there. Whatever. I'll get to them, or I won't. No biggie...

Philosophical Karen said...

(1) I stopped mid-square on the February square. I'm not frogging that, because I may get myself to a place where I can knit those squares again.
(2) I need to sew and felt all the slippers I knit, but the knitting part is finished.
(3) I've got a simple garter stitch scarf on the go that I could easily finish if I put my mind to it, but it's a scarf. It can wait till next winter.
(4) There's a bag I need to decide whether I'm finishing as is, frogging completely, or partially frogging and reknitting differently. It's been hibernating a while.

Then there are my two active projects: the cardigan and the modern quilt shawl. These are keeping me occupied so I'm not casting anything new on.

All of which makes my number 5 or 6, depending on how you count. I might sew and felt the slippers today.

Or not. :)

Toby said...

I don't like to have too many unfinished things either. They hang over my head, weigh on my mind. For knitting I usually have 1-2 projects, sometimes a 3rd if all it needs is finish details. I don't want to talk about quilting though! More things than I want to count need finishing.

Anonymous said...

Right now,my number is 3. But by this afternoon, it will be 4. I used to be a one project only girl. Leftover from my childhood days when Mom wouldn't let us start #2 until #1 was done. But I have eased up over the years.

Anonymous said...

I have the same issue and usually only have 1 main WIP. I sometimes have a sock on the needle for a pick up and go project, but not always. I also always have a charitable knitting project that I only work on at the knitting group I lead at church.

Donna said...

There's so much to be said for sticking to a few projects - progress seems so much faster. I have 5 WIPS right now, 4 in active rotation. 2 were just started this week, and one is almost done. I usually try to have no more than 3 going at any given time, one a mindless sock so I have car/waiting/movie knitting. I also tend to start something new right before I'm done with the old - I wonder what's up with that?

Beatriz said...

I'm enjoying reading everyone's comments. Your posts are so interesting. I'm with you, less works better for me. I scrolled down the projects page of a fellow knitter from our Thurs night group. She has 25+ projects. Who knew?! My number is 4 right now.

Heather said...

Like you, too many WIPs makes me stressed. Like too many things on the old To Do list. I always have 2 going - socks (can be taken anywhere) and a bigger project (currently the February Lady sweater).

Anonymous said...

Just two WIPS - a winter sweater that I have conceded will not be finished this winter, and a pair of socks. More than that makes me nervous!

Leisa said...

3 just 3...and I am with you it drives me crazy, this is the most wips I have ever had, and they are all so tiny and simple.
I am the type that likes to finish a project before beginning another, not only in knitting but in everythig!

Annette said...

Oh, I don't mind having too many WIPs. I probably have somewhere between 10-15. I finish projects eventually, but cast-on others before I do. Having several allows me more choices depending on my mood. And, I think I should always have an easy knit for group knitting, something more challenging, a lace knit and a pair of socks on the needles at all times. Funny how we're all so different, huh?

earthchick said...

I just counted and I have 13 WIPs. Only 5 of those are active, though (one of which is all done but blocking and buttons). The other 8 are hibernating and at least half of them probably just need to be frogged.

It doesn't bother me though (obviously!). I just work on whatever appeals to me at the moment.

Cara said...

I knit so slowly, I figure if I start multiple projects I'll never finish anything. But, I do want a 'purse' project that I can carry with me so I usually have two things on the go. Right now, though, I'm carrying the sleeves with me. So, just one. Well, there's a second sweater that I am very unhappy with and probably won't finish but have not yet resigned myself to frogging. Then again, since I'm not counting it as a WIP maybe I have come to terms with it.

Alleigh said...

I try to be good about not having more than 3 WIP at any given time. I don't seem to go back to projects if I have more than that on my needles.