So I am starting up some more WIP's...after all that! P you would be proud!
This is what is really on the go...
1. Sunlit by Kim Hargreaves in the estelle cotton. I have the arms and the back complete and have cast on and knit a few inches of the front. Then I need to seam it all and knit the garter stitch yolk...all in time for a possible wearing to the knitter frolic. That is April 24th?!
2. Another knit for the knitter frolic but as a sample. A baby sweater and hat...but only a premie size. I have swatched and plan to cast on this week...hopefully completing it by next week.
3. Lily. Well, poor lily. I really like this and the inner knitter was talking to me about the size and the stretch of the calmer. Well, I tried it on and it is too big and stretchy. I think tightening up the gauge will work. So it is just sitting...waiting to be rush.
4. The infamous March square for the Great American Afghan along. I finished it...but the last row looks I should have started the garter stitch edge a row sooner. So I should really rip it back a few rows and reknit that....yeah...I'll get right on that. Now, this is an ongoing it is "complete" for the month.
5. I started another sock this weekend. Well, I had started it last friday and ripped it back. Now I decided on toe up and added 6 sts for another repeat of the yarrow ribbing. It is for hubby and is really for knit and chats. Mindless. I turned the heel last night...again, no rush. FYI he tried it on this morning and was so excited that I was knitting him another pair of socks!
6. The plaid socks. Ok. So, M from Friday night knit and chat was working on these a few fridays ago and I just loved them. I picked up this fabulous bamboo/nylon blend. On your toes is the brand. G actually knit her hubby a great pair of ribbed socks and I loved the yarn. The colours I chose are great. A beautiful green and purple blend. inner knitter is talking to me.
I am now about 6 inches down the leg...I am not sure. I cast on 60 sts and the gauge is 28 sts in 4 inches. I just keep thinking it is too thick. I like my gauge thinner for socks. I like them but don't love them. I love the pattern and I love the yarn but I just don't think they work together. I have a plan though. Listen to this...
Buy different yarn for the pattern, a thinner gauge and use the bamboo yarn for something this!
Hey? Yes? I think so;)
I am kind of excited to start this...but am resisting.
You see, there are also a small pile of cabinets in the livingroom. It seems my DH's boss ordered too many for his "cottage" (I learned today his cottage has 7 bathrooms. Seven! In a cottage! Yeah, we have 1 1/ our house.) Anyway, the cabinets are fabulous and make my kitchen look ghetto. So we have been trying to reconfigure the kitchen/diningroom space to make them work.
So I have a plan.
Take down the wall between the kitchen and the diningroom. Use one large piece for a sideboard and the other pieces on the half wall in the kitchen. But to make it all work I need to paint out the current kitchen cabinets in the same creamy colour (which was a job for the spring anyway), replace the vinyl flooring in the kitchen (I hate having another type of flooring down the hall so that will have to be ripped up and replace at the same time.), purchase a dishwasher to "build in" to the current cabinetry...but we would need to replace the fridge and with a smaller we really should replace the poorly functioning stove as well...oh and the hood...and vent that outside while we are at it. THEN I need to paint the kitchen.
Well...what do you think? Yes? I think so;)
Now all I need to do is win the lotto.
Hee hee. Looks like you have a kitchen remodel in the works. ;) Another WIP to add to the list!
I think that yarn and that scarf will be a gorgeous match!
Hehehe - I like your plan. It reminds me of the reason most people remodel their entire house "It all started when she wanted to replace the knobs on the kitchen cabinets" - It always seems that one change leads to another. Good luck.
I say yes, provided that you come by my house afterwards, and do it all over again!
That yarn is too thick for those socks. When I first saw the photo, I thought the label said "Jumbo"!
Funnies aside, I really like that yarn and the pattern. It is so familar. Did I just see that on Ravelry, or somewhere?
I hope you finish Sunlit in time--it has a wonderful nubbly cotton look, so much better than the plain stockinette.
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