Pattern: Picot edged mittens
Yarn: Sundara Sport weight merino ( I used one could have been a parital skein, I am not sure...but it was one that left me with about 1 meter of yarn! A close one!)
Yeah, I am hiding. I haven't showered yet and it's 1:00. I tried out some of the suggestions...set up the coffee maker...dirt...then I bought the tims grinds...a little better dirt. I really don't get it. So my sister says...just walk to the one in the hospital.
Yes, it is true...there is one about 1/2 block away in the entrance of the hospital. I thought it had closed (I think my DH said so...but it says it is only open mon-fri). Normally I would have my coffee as I get ready for work, or if not working I would sit and relax with the laptop and catch up on some knitting news and blogs and maybe do a little blogging myself.
RELAX is the key word here.
So this morning I had breakfast and got the kids in their snowpants and coats, hats, scarves and mitts. I threw on some jogging pants and a coat with the snow boots and of course a knit had to cover the unwashed hair. Zeebee was the choice this morning. We ventured in the snow to the Tim Hortons. I got my coffee and then thought while out there I should reshovel (some kind neighbour...not sure which one yet...shoveled the "dumping" we got yesterday for me). I also noticed the recycling truck making it's way down the street and ran to get that out. Of course the kids are with me so everything is really a "big ordeal" to get done. My coffee got a little cold (yes the cozy didn't really help...but I have another in mind...with a little fairisle work maybe...a little longer...we'll see) and I would hardly call it relaxing. We got a call from a friend to meet them at the "hill" for some we went to do that. Ran home and put everything in the dryer, made lunch and got them off to school.
I just walked to the Tim's again to get the secound round...and this time I am sitting relaxing. I am thinking about a shower....maybe a work out first..or do I work out when the kids are home and do a little knitting now. Oh...and the house needs a little cleaning. Hmmmm.
I think I will just relax.
FYI no one has called to offer free coffee for the free advertising I am giving them...can't say I didn't try.
Beautiful mittens! I don't know if anyone has suggested this yet, but TH uses 18% milk fat cream (more than half-and-half) so if you order cream in your coffee and are trying to replicate Timmy's at home, that is what gives it the rich taste!
What a cute little edge. Very nice. I should try the fancy edging more. Thanks for the inspiration!
Oh...also, we're playing a game...come visit!
Love your mittens...of course! :) Sounds like you had a full day...glad you got your coffee!
Great mittens. How many skeins did they take? I have some sport weight and was looking for something other than socks.
Glad you got your coffee. Sorry about the reshoveling...that's my least favorite part of winter. Luckily, we haven't had to actually do any yet in these parts.
Now we make our own coffee and admittedly - it is strong...I don't even get my hair dry in the morning without coffee, so Tim's would never do it for husband is also trying to get out the door at the same time. Luckily, he will go downstairs and make the coffee for me and bring my cup up to no complaints here at all...glad you got your sustenance anyway...lovely mitts, too!
Nice mittens, LOVELY coffee :) I had TH when I visited Canada, it was yummy and I missed it when I came home!
Ah, another coffee addict...on my days off from work, I often don't know where to begin. Sometimes, just relaxing with your cup of freshly brewed is what you need....enjoy. (nice mitts, too, Here is NJ is has barely been cold enough for coats, let alone mitts--no complaints) I like Canada in the summer so we can wear lightweight sweaters at night!
Sundra's yarn and your pattern make beautifuly knitting! What a fun post to get a glimpse of your day.
Tim Horton's!! I am so jealous. We have no Tim Horton's here in NE Ohio...I don't really know why, but it is just a crime!!! But when we visit BIL I am sure to visit TH at least a couple of times. Cute mittens. I love the color!!
A clean Home sells(Faster, better,the best,more often,quickly,) any of the above.B.S in Florida
The coffee place I enjoy here in Minnesota is Caribou and I would do just about anything to get free coffee from them (& I mean just the regular black stuff).
if you learn the secret of replicating tim's at home, please share! i just can't get it to taste the same - i even tried drinking it out of one of their cups, but nope.
Pretty pretty mitties. Maybe you need a better coffee machine? Or maybe it needs to be cleaned out with some vinegar?
pretty mitts. makes me want berry pie with whip cream with a side of hot tea. mmmmm
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