Sunday, January 13, 2008

Shedir in cream.

This is the first official finished knit of 2008....

Started: January 4th, 2008

Finished: January 11th, 2008

Pattern: Shedir from Knitty.

Yarn: Rowan Calmer in cream

Needles: Addi turbos US#3

The pattern calls for one ball...I just about made it! I knit everything except the very last row! I only had enough to sew in the end. Maybe my cast on took too much...but omitting the last row made no difference, obviously.

I used the tubular cast on working back and forth and then joined in the round. I like working that version of the tubular cast on, it is much faster for me than the one in the round. Practice would help I guess.

Shedir is great. Many of you have already knit it...and if you haven't, it is well worth it! I stayed up to midnight to finish it and ending up sewing in the end the next morning.

We went away for a little weekend up north to my parents do some tobogganing...unfortunately there was no snow. Too bad you can't book time off according to the weather!

The kiddies don't sleep matter where we here are Matteo and I at around 6:30 am.
Put on a hat and you are ready for the day!

It was a fun weekend with a few siblings and nephews. A couple rounds of UNO, some serious games of Bingo, a hilarious round of Cranium and of course the infamous scrabble games. Staying indoors wasn't so bad after all!


Knittypants said...

Beautiful. I love the cables on Shedir.

Unknown said...

I love that hat! The one I made was too small. Maybe I have to try again! It looks so cute on you.

Sorry there's no snow! But it sounds like you had a great time anyway!

Brenda in Toronto said...

so nice! and 6:30 am? ouch.

pacalaga said...

LOL. I read that as "shedir ice cream". I wonder where my mind is this morning?

Irie said...

Your Shedir looks great! Sounds like u had a great time... love the board games!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous. And you shouldn't avoid the close-ups--you are gorgeous, too.

Suze said...

Beautiful hat, and such sweet pictures. Keep 'em coming!

Heather said...

Love the hat, this one is on my todo list for myself....just need to get the perfect yarn spun for it.

Anonymous said...

Lovely! Esp. in that cream! Does this mean you have more in the works??? :)

Rasa said...

You knit so beautifully!