I joined Ravelry.
There are many reasons why...
The number one reason being that when other knit bloggers refer to something they have seen...or an inspiration from a knitter on Raverly...I could never see it! So now, I am in.
There has been a lot of talk lately about the lack of knit blogging due to Flicker and Ravelry groups. I don't see these as substitutes to knit blogging...although I have been slacking in the blogging area lately...I will still be blogging as often as I can. I do like to see progress posts on projects as well as FO posts...and I will continue to do both.
For me, Ravelry will serve more of a community of knitters to bounce ideas off of...or be inspired by...or trade some yarn with...as well as an inventory of my own knitting supplies.
I will slowly start to post pictures of my stash...kind of a stash cleansing...which in a way is really scary.
I will have to own up to the amount of yarn in the house.
So far, I have put up some FO photos of knits from 2007 and current projects. I will put in notes of techniques used, needle size used etc...which will hopefully help with my memory problem.
Ah yeah...casting on for the second Gauntlet, I couldn't remember for the life of me the needles I used (I do remember having a problem with gauge on a certain size) or the cast on...I remember playing with a couple of them...I am pretty sure it was just long tail.
Any who...come see me on ravelry...
Oh yes...people are knitting some of my patterns there! So exciting! I have contacted the good people of ravelry to link those to my profile! Love it!
And now...a progress post.
The second twisted stitch gauntlet is on the go...it wasn't that hard to get back into it...hopefully I will finish it up by the weekend...
I like ravelry for informational purposes. Stash, pattern ideas and queue, examples of others' work. I love that I can find others who've used a particular yarn and get their take. I don't do the social part of it, though. I have little enough knitting time as it is!
Hey...I on Ravelry and I love it!
You can link all of your projects right to your blog posts...I too find it more as a complement to blogging, but it really can't replace it. It's a great resource. I love being able to see what so many people have thought about patterns or yarns before I try them.
I'm "scubaknit"
I'm loving ravelry - welcome - it's a lot of fun and I love the social aspect of it.
I like ravelry for organization and for researching possible projects -- yarns and patterns. Like pacalaga, the social part hasn't tempted me so far. And Ravelry will never replace blogging for me, partly because I blog about more than my knitting.
I added you to my friends list since I use that as an alternate blog feed too!
Yay, welcome to the Rav! I still haven't put all my stash up there...
My "upstairs stash" is on Ravelry, but not the scarier "downstiars stash" It's a great tool, my favorite is to look up a yarn and see what everyone else has done with it!
I love Ravelry because it keeps me organized. And I love to see what yarns people are using for projects I'm into. You're going to love it!
are there reasons NOT to join ravelry? maybe just procrastination, but other than that... too many pros!! I've added you as a friend... I'm redhotslippergir
I love Ravelry. It has not impacted my blogging at all, because I like to catalog specific aspects and stages of my projects on my blog. Ravelry is great for FO galleries in my opinion, but the blog will remain for discussions of progress. If anything Ravelry has enhanced blogging for me by "introducing" me to so many new and interesting people. I'm glad you came on board!
Welcome!~ I haven't finished my stash on there either, but it is GREAT for organization and inspiration.
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