Yesterday...not a stitch. Not a single one. This coming from a person who would knit a sweater in a week...with a pair of socks...and a scarf...OK, not really. But now...oh man.
I know I will eventually be able to get into a groove. Mind you, I will have to be one of those knitters who carries it with them at all times.
I was hoping to cast on a socks for protability...well...I had a sock going...HAD is the key word here.
I screwed up the decreasing and needed to rip back a couple rows...
Then, my inner knitter was calling me since the leg of the sock began...
"TOO LOOSE. Your gauge is off. Listen to me woman!"
So as I ripped those couple rows...I just kept ripping...I new it was inevitable.
So jaywalker no more. I don't have time for this ripping knitting time is really precious now.
My gauge has is really weird. You would think I would be more stressed and knit tighter..but is looser. I keep a little booklet of gauge in yarns I use frequently, so I don't have to swatch for every sock...that's not working anymore.
So I started a mitten...yes...that's it...beautiful komi colour work...
Gauge is off...damn it.
join the club! i usually to knit on the way to and from work, but it's been too cold to take my mittens off for more than a few minutes. plus, it's hard to knit with a big, bulky coat on.
so, i'm stuck knitting during my lunch break (i try to eat fast. hehe...) and whenever i can squeeze it in when i'm at home.
good luck with your new schedule!
Oh, it's hard, I know! I have days when it's easy to accept not getting to knit as much as I'd like and others when it's not so easy. Yesteday, I had to rip out good starts on two different projects that were off in gauge (despite my having swatched them), and I was supremely irritated.
Yeah - working can really take a hit on the knitting time. I find I get a ton done by knitting through lunch and during my breaks. (I also have the luxury of knitting while I work though, so I may not have the best advice)
Hello! Long-time lurker here!
I have a job that is quite a bit over 40 hrs/week at different times of the year, and I quilt as well as knitting.
My best advice would be to take the pressure off. You knit for enjoyment, right? So enjoy it!
When I get home at night, I sit down on the couch, take a deep breath and figure it out. If I want to knit, I knit. If I want to quilt, I quilt. If I want to read, I read. You get the picture! This way, I enjoy my hobbies and they feed my soul instead of sucking me dry.
You'll get the hang of it soon, I'm sure! :)
Condolences on the shortened knitting hours in your day! I'm due with #3 in late March, and since #2 will only be 20 months, I'm already angsting over the lack of knitting time in my future. I know babies are little for such a short time, but it's my way of relaxing from the stresses of motherhood and the inevitable vagaries of life. So I've been trying to squeeze in as much knitting as possible! And don't even ASK if I've begun to knit for the babe-on-the-way. I'm still trying to catch up all my UFO's!!!
Are you enjoying the new job, at least?
I hear you. I started a full-time job this week. It's only the first day and already I feel a big difference in my knitting time. How am I going to balance work and knitting now?
You will get there. Don't forget to breath and remember what you are doing for you AND the family. It does not mean it is not frustrating and YOU ARE DOING GREAT!! Don't forget to give yourself that credit.
I knit things like Calorimetry that I can do in a few hours....
Yup, I hate it when work cuts into the knitting time! Some weeks I work 50 hours and some weeks 9. I really like the weeks where I work 9 hours. Until the bills come in....
I have to tell you that I was jealous of how much knitting time you had. Really jealous! But I do feel good about the fine balance in my life, when I have it, and try to enjoy the knitting time that I do find. I hope you'll be able to do the same.
My gauge changes as my stress changes - the more stress,the tighter the stitches. I can usually control it if I focus, but lately I have had a lean in my circular knitting. Not good but I have been felting a lot, so who cares! :)
Have a good day and that brown and cream is beautiful.
Socks on needles...never leave for work without them......Work does get in the way.......I knit at lunch - when I can...and I always take at least an 1 hr every nite to chill and knit.....of course, I have 2 sons that are grown, so no little one's to take care of......
oh man, guage is a pain in my arse!! and i never leave home without my knitting - you never know when you're gonna need it! i was recently stuck on the 401 for 3 hours - knitting saved my sanity!
It looks beautiful, the mitten that is, the Jaywalker did look pretty. I bet you are trying to hard to rush through and 'git-er-dun so you have subconsciously loosened up to help with the speed.
Knitting funks suck.. I'm just coming off of one, arggghhh...but the yarn and its colors look so pretty for mittens!
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