Oh how I love knitting in colour! I really find it satisfying. Even the smallest amount of progress is promising.
I did knit on our drive to TO and a little on the way back...until we hit the blizzard. Yes, for the first time in my life, I was actually nervous on the 401. I really have driven through it all...but as a passenger...and the recent crashes on the 401...and the fact that you saw people ahead of you and behind you then all you could see was the nose of your car and white....that was seriously scary.
We decided to pull off when we found and exit. The road was also snow covered and we drove by feeling the should warning bumps ( I know they have a name but can't remember now). You couldn't see a thing! CRAZY. After finding out many highways were closed and the rest of our drive was "nil" for visibility...we stayed overnight in a little motel. Yeah...I am not too rested but we did make it safe and sound this morning.
No knitting today...off to work...but with tomorrow's day off, I hope to have something to show you!
I just love color work too. It is so satisfying. I was working fair isle last night and I noticed that I was checking out the progress and smiling after every few rows!
Rumble strips.
I'm glad you and the mittens made it home safely -- they're lovely!
Really pretty. I love your color choices. What kind of yarn are you using?
Oh gosh, how scary! And oh gosh, you're knitting with three colors in a row! Eeeeeek!
Love those mittens. Glad you made it home safely, even if you did have to stay over night.
I miss your quantity of knitting, but working does cut into knitting time.
Good grief, your stitches are so neat--you're a machine! Love the browns.
Nice, I love the colors you choose!
Wow, I can't imagine what it must be like to drive in a blizzard! Glad you made it safely!
Mittens are coming along nicely!
I have no clue about snow driving as a desert rat, but I know I won't even drive in the rain. Happy to know you and yours are safe and sound.
Beautiful! Can't wait to see more.
I hear you on the 401 bit... I drove down 2 weeks ago from Ottawa, and passed 7 accidents on the way. It wasn't a fun drive. Thanks goodness for snow tires.
Your progress on these mittens is beautiful! Glad to hear you got home safely.
Rumble strips? Any advice on the three colours on a row?
They look beautiful!
The colorwork is beautiful. I would never think of putting those colors together but they look absolutely stunning. I really like them!
I'm so going to copy the colorwork pattern on those mitts!
I've only once been driving in conditions like that - thank goodness for the rumble strip!
Are you channeling Jared (brooklyntweed)?
I miss the quantity of your posts, but the quality is still first-rate.
Did you ever hear the story about burning the candle at both ends???
You do beautiful work.
Just wanted to let you know that grumperina.com attacked putting in a zipper in 168 steps in today's blog, and describes how to avoid the puckered look of the zipper. It might help solve your issue with the zipper instalation.
The colour work in your mitten is gorgeous--I especially like the ribbed effect.
Marlyce in Windsor.
Oh wow, these lok gorgeous!
Have only just discovered your blog, I love the way you seem to have so many WIP! (sounds familiar)I am also beginning to resent how much time work takes me away from my knitting.
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