Yes, schools in tomorrow and I am sooo excited! Is that wrong? Look, it's been a long, prego, with two busy boys in the house...I can't wait to skip away from the school yard:)
I don't think I've knit a stitch in the past couple weeks, we are still getting adjusted. A little battle with thrush, some baby freak outs, mommy the milk machine...there's been little energy for knitting.
I do have some finished projects to show you, if I every shower again, I will get around to modelling them.
The little one, Roman (a few have asked his name) doesn't really like to model yet...he will one day! Here he is in a hat I knit for the hospital.

It is a pumpkin hat pattern, but I call it my blueberry is a much better colour for him!
Here is the official one week photo...

I promise this won't turn into a baby blog...but he is the focus right now:)
Thank you all so much for the congratulatory wishes!
More knitting content this week, now that I will have a little time!
Oh my goodness you must be just waiting for a little time for yourself. I remember when I had my daughter that I never managed to have a shower until she was asleep in the afternoon! I dont mind pictures of your cute little boy and he does look quite nice in his new hat!
He's gorgeous! Congratulations - and you blog about whatever you want. I'll still read (and mostly lurk!)
What a sweet boy! Thanks for posting photos!
He's gorgeous. Thanks for keeping us updated. Knitting will come and if your blog just keeps us updated on Roman for the time being, we'll enjoy that too!
What a handsome little guy. :) I confess, I'm always ecstatic about school starting up, too.
Completely understandable, as he is too adorable not to be the focus!
He is adorable. Love the pics. Hope you guys get in your groove soon. :)thanks for sharing
So adorable! I agree with some of the other commenters--I would love to hear about life with this cute little one!
My oldest will have her last first day of school tomorrow (college next year!). Enjoy these moments...they go by way too quickly.
Oh, congratulation to your sweet one!
He's a beautiful baby!
You can easily make yourself a mesh (or fleece) shower sling and at least have a bit of a shower. You might not get to shave your legs, but with him cuddled "tummy to tummy" (really, it's chest to chest), you can get your hair washed and back scrubbed :) I wish I had known about ring slings and pouches with my first two kids. I got MORE showers with my 3rd cause it was a nice way to keep her calm and upright after eating :)
He's just adorable :) This is our 3rd week back at school and I'm lovin it ;)
Such a sweetheart!
What a gorgeous baby.More photos and baby news please along with the knitting.
Thanks for sharing! I can't get enough of sweet, precious baby pictures!
I don't think any one of us will mind baby content! On the contrary! Lovely!
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