I got to starbucks at 9...with not another knitter in sight! Argh! I sat with my oh so needed ristreto non fat misto americano (I never get them in the correct order...) in the only big chair left in at the back (some businessmen decided to have a meeting in "our" chairs). I kept watching the time waiting for another knitter...and listening to the two very loud talking women sitting next to me.
Look, I really don't care if there was a chipmonk in your house...and I don't think the guy on the other side of starbucks cares either.
Finally the knitters started to role in...thank you Michelle! We bumped the businessmen out and took over our seats! It was a quiet monday...only 5 of us...but great conversation. Everything from someone's upcoming anniversary night in a hotel room (a gift from her daughter!! Too funny!) to hair removal...so sorry you all missed it;)
I worked away on a sample knit for SWK. It is a back cable shell in black. I am using Classic Elite Yarns cotton bam boo...this yarn is to die for! It is so soft and cool feeling...and the drape is just fabulous. I think I need to knit myself something out of it...darn these sample knits:)
I ended up finishing the front this afternoon and blocked it out.

I also recently finished up the Premiere top down leaf tee for the store as well.

Knit in Classic Elite Yarns Allegoro...a cotton linen blend. It also drapes very nicely. The tee is simple and knits up quickly from the top down.
Oh...a couple of people have asked about the seaming of the squares for Karen's blanket. What we did was pick up stitches along one edge and knit back. Do the same to another square and then with right sides together, do a three needle bind off. Once we had strips of squares, I did the same technique along these long edges to join them. When all the strips were joined they were framed in a garter stitch edging, log cabin style.
Happy Monday!
Your tee looks great and the green looks really nice on you too. I love the black one you are knitting too, looks nice with the little cables.
That tee looks great on you--the color, the square neck. I hope you get it back when they're done!
I like that T - and hear you on the Bamboo, which I've been touching every time I get to a LYS. Now I might know what to make out if it.
Sounds as if your Monday Knit&Chat
(BTW - I like that much better than the more common S&B) is lots of fun. I love my Thursday KnitGroup too. Isn't knitting a wonderful thing - you can do it alone or with lots of other like minded folks.
How nice! I navigated on your blog and you knit beautifully! Very nice blog too. I'll be back!
nice blog
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