Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Today it is snowy...COLD...windy...argh. I am suddenly very tired of winter weather, especially because it is spring!

Let me bring you back a few days when it was sunny...gorgeous...

sunlit II

I finished up my sweater!

Pattern: Sunlit by Kim Hargreaves. Found in Nectar.

Bracelet: Heather's clear beaded version...love it!

Yarn: New from Estelle - South Pacific colour 909 (a gorgeous very light mauve)

Started: March 15th, 2009

Finished: April 1st, 2009.

Adjustments: I knit the medium size so that there is no ease. My version is more fitted than the pattern shows. I also ended up taking out the cast off and doing one more decrease in the neckline with a few more rows. I loved the neckline but I had to fiddle with the bra straps so this solved that issue.

Sunlit back Sunlit knitting 2009 013

I love the wide sleeve. It fits my larger sized arms perfectly and the length is flattering. The only issue I have discovered is it is really hard to get this sleeve into a jacket. So I will wait for the sun to come out again so I don't have to wear a jacket with it;)

I can't say enought about Kim Hargreaves knits. They are all so gorgeous, well written and totally wearable. The Nectar book is just gorgeous. The only issue is deciding which one to knit next;)


Anonymous said...

Perfect!!! The fit, style, yarn choice, cables are all just perfect!

Anonymous said...

That is just incredibly beautiful. Love the color, love the cables, love the shape!

Stephanie said...

Beautiful and it looks fabulous on you!

Thea said...

the sweater is absolutely beautiful! The color the fit and the amazing cables - I esp. love the neckline. enjoy.

yarnpiggy said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. That is all.

Preita said...

This sweater is so beautiful! You have the perfect shoulders/neck to pull it off too. It just looks so lovely on you. Great job!

Carol said...

I love Kim Hargreaves patterns. They are so pretty. This one looks great on you!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I love your blog, too, but I just have to ask: how much time do you have for knitting each day? I have two young kids and I wish I could be as prolific a knitter as you!

Brenda said...

Gorgeous. Again - your looks petter than the one in the book.

The Gadabout Knitter said...

That is gorgeous!! Great job!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Happy Spring!

Joan said...

The design of the sweater and the colour are beautiful on you. Lovely!

grumperina said...

That's just gorgeous! A beautiful design, and the color looks great on you! Enjoy!

earthchick said...

Oh WOW. SO, so pretty. You did a fantastic job, and it just looks gorgeous on you.

Maureen said...

Just spectacular...do you ever sleep??!! I'm having a difficult time finishing a few small bunnies for Easter...you must have more than 24 hours in your day...I'm jealous! :)
Thanks for continuing to inspire and share...and happy knitting!