I finally feel like my knitting is in a good place again. I have those projects that keep me up late at night because I just don't want to put it down.
You know you have a great project on the go when knit with your eyes closed.
Not like "look ma, I can do it with my eyes closed"...I mean you just want to keep knitting but your body is saying no. The eyes begin to close and your hands just keep moving.
Please tell me this happens to you too, so I don't feel so crazy!?!
Many of you are on ravelry so you see what is happening in my projects page. 6 WIP's! Yes that is 6 projects on the go. There are even completed projects that I just haven't had the time to blog and tell you all about...patience please, I am busy knitting with my eyes closed;)
Ok. So here is the textured shawl/scarf. This is a great little "recipe" for a shawl. You make it as big as you want...or knit until you are out of yarn, as I did.

Pattern: Textured Shawl recipe by Orlane
Started: Feb. 8, 2009
Finished: Feb. 13, 2009
Yarn: 2 balls of Jo Sharp Alpaca Silk Georgette in "quince", this gorgeous rusty orange colour. I picked it up at the *Shall We Knit sale at 40% off...can't beat that!
I blocked it out just as I would block out a lace shawl...trying to get it as big as I could. It turned out to be 48"x 22".

I love, love this pattern. It is perfect for that gorgeous yarn you fondle in the yarn store...one that a sweaters worth would be out of your price range, grab a few skeins to knit this shawl. The simplicity of the stitch pattern really showcases a luxurious yarn beautifully.
Will I be knitting this again...ABSOLUTELY!
Oh, and I know you clicked on the *"Shall We Knit" link...and saw the St. Patricks day green yarn sale!! Guess who will be buying some green yarn!?!
Gorgeous. Haven't we all fallen asleep while knitting? I know I have - although not in awhile. I'm glad your mojo is back, but it seems that even when you had lost it, you still had gorgeous knits on and off the needles.
I have knitted with my eyes closed! On the train home after a long journey and my eyes were just sore, but I just can't fall asleep. My husband sitted next to me said, "You can't knit with your eyes closed!" I replied, "Just watch me." :P
Your shawl is wonderful. Love the colour, love the pattern, love the texture. I've added it to my Ravelry favourites. Thanks for sharing!
That's such a gorgeous pattern, and a brilliant way to use up some precious yarn! Thanks for bringing it to my attention, I hadn't heard of it before!
So glad your mojo is back! I so enjoy your knitting projects and missed them for quite a while. You knit beautifully and are a continuing inspiration!
Your shawl is lovely. Thanks for the pattern link. And also the link to the 'green' sale.
What a great Shawl. I hadn't seen this pattern before, but I like it so much, I started one today with a skein of Brooks Farms Duet left over from another project. Should be enough for one and then some.
Congratulation on your mojo. Grate pattern. It if fun finding a pattern you like and knit it over and over again with different colours and new twists.
Truly delicious! Love it all, the color, the texture, the drape!
Great job - added to the queue!
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