Thursday, February 12, 2009

Baby Bootie-licious!

What does a knitter do when they have a baby shower on the weekend?
Pick up those needles and knit something for a baby!
I love knitting for babies...what knitter doesn't? The projects are small and finish quickly...quite satisfying. The baby patterns out there are just so gorgeous...I started knitting all because of Debbie Bliss' baby patterns.
I still buy her baby books...just in case there is a baby to knit for...none here, kitchen is closed;)

So, I came across the cutest baby booties on Ravelry.
Blue Steps baby booties.
Look what I knit up in one evening...

green booties

Yarn: Elann Devon in green and brown. This is listed as a sport weight, but I consider 4 ply. It is currently not available.
Adjustments: All I did was knit the sole in brown and the main part of the bootie in light green.

green bootie soles

The contruction is brilliant. You start with a magic cast on. I purled the first row...ensuring the second set of stitches were worked through the back of the loop to put them on correctly. I did my increases on the knit rounds of the garter stitch sole. The increases are done at the toe and the heel...mine look ok but I would like to figure out a better increase for garter stitch.
I switched to the green once I started the brioche stitch. It looks great and it is so squishy.

This baby is going to love these on his feet!

The pattern is simple to knit...I actually knit the second one with out the pattern. I have bits of Devon left...more booties to come...just need some babies to knit for!


Paty said...

I will knit for my baby on the way for sure! Thanks for inspiring!

Anonymous said...

That's the best looking, cutest booties I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing.

Jennifer said...

Very cute! Thanks for the link. Must go queue them now.

April Klich said...

Those are indeed adorable. I'll have to keep the pattern in mind for shower gifts.

Thimbleanna said...

Ack!!! Those are adorable!!!

Virtuous said...

Perfect timing and simply cute!

I was just looking for a new bootie pattern! :o)

Misty said...

Love them! Now I know what to look for the next time someone I know is expecting. You did such a fantastic job!

Unknown said...

I'm totally stealing that title if I ever need to post about baby booties. Awesome!

Unknown said...

Are you for hire? I have about 1,000 babies coming in the next few months!

Anonymous said...

I need these booties for Gianni and Judy's baby!!!

Anonymous said...

The first baby booties I've ever wanted to knit! So cute...

Anonymous said...

Adorable! Love the color combo!

Anonymous said...

OK, those are so. darn. CUTE!

Lisa said...

Adorable booties! I have lots of younger relatives who should be settling down and having families some time soon (well, in the next few years anyway) - these will be a great little gift.

Maryse said...

They are such cuties!!!