Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A new year of knitting.

As we embark on the new year...I've started to think of resolutions, as many of us do...

knitting resolutions.

This is the year.

  • I will knit an afghan. I know, how simple...yet I have never wanted to knit an afghan. Such a huge project with so much commitment, I figured I would never finish it. Well, then Jared posted this pattern. Now, I will knit an afghan.

  • I will steek something. I need to improve upon my knitting skills. This is something I haven't tried yet, and really want to. I just need to find a project that I want to knit that requires steeking.

  • I will dye yarn. Again, not very exciting but something I need to do for a portion of my stash and something I feel I should try at least once.

  • I will really take the time to think each project through. From cast on to cast off. No rushing just to get it done...I am not a knitting machine. I will think through each and every stitch. (I just get so excited sometimes and can't wait to see it done!)

  • I will spin. OH NO! Yes, this is the big one. I know I said it here...#7 never...yes the ladies at the Cambridge knit at Starbucks have tempted me. I am going to do it. My biggest fear is that I will love it...

Well, there they are. Will I stick to them? I should think so;)

And what about projects...now that the Christmas knits are done? Matteo had a request.

red ski mask

Knit on Christmas eve...yes a lazy day of knitting an entire project!

Pattern: Jackyll and Hide

Yarn: Cascade 220 in red and some scraps of black for the embroidery.

Adjustments: The pattern is written for an adult, so I cast on 92 stitches. Garter stitch 10 rounds, st st for 2", 3" of ribbing and decrease to 70 sts. St st for 4" then knit eye holes as written. Knit 4" of st st then start decreases, decreasing every other row until 6 sts are between needles, then decrease every row. This seemed to have worked to make a child size. It is pretty snug, so I would go up a needle size if I were to knit one for my other son...which will probably happen!


Brendaknits said...

Oh How Cute! I had thought to make this for my grandson, but had forgotten it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention again.

maitai said...

steeking is not as bad as it sounds. i would love to knit an afghan as well but i'm afraid i don't have the patience and will get bored. we'll see! good luck with the resolutions :)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see what yarn you choose for Girasole. My dad let it slip that he might enjoy a cozy afghan as his Christmas present next year. I immediately knew I had an excuse to make Girasole....now to decide on a yarn. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your goals! Happy New Year!

Natalie B said...

I too have thought of steeking... might give it a try (I see an adrenaline rush coming!). I'm with you on the "thinking as you knit" instead of rushing through the projects. Have a happy new year!

Jennifer said...

Great plan. FYI- the backwards loop, www.thebackwardsloop.com is having a sale. 40% off of Rowan. I thought of you because they have cashsoft,calmer, and felted tweed. happy new year to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

That is really cool and funky, my little boy would love something like that.