Here we wait. (Got my hair done today...finally, since Christmas! I am feeling human again....but look at the big white arm...I need some SUN...where or where is spring???)
I went to the LYS to find something to finish the ribbing off around the collar, 1/2 sleeves and body...but found nothing. I am really struggling with what colour.
I don't want a big band of the light beige around me so I was thinking brown or navy. I couldn't find the right brown...or navy for that matter....so I ordered some navy cascade 220 online. Who knows if it will be right. I would rather keep it monochromatic...and I have yet to use this yarn...so hopefully it will all work out.
I was knitting away on the front of Demi and something went wrong. I dropped down and knit back up a bunch of stitches...but no...I don't know...there will have to be some major ripping here. Oh well...that'll teach me to knit charts while trying to watch TV.
So, lesson learned, I started knitting a TV watching project....
Thanks so much for your comments on the Puff Sleeved Cardigan. I love it!
Have you tried Herrchners? They have the Soho right now for $3.97 and are in Canada!
Perhaps there will a colour that works??
Off to your ravelry to see what you cast on for!
Looking lovely so far! Of course, you are so beautiful, anything looks great on you! I am so jealous!
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