Started: December 7, 2006
Finished: December 9, 206
Yarn: 2 balls of On Linie Tessa in green.
Pattern: Cable hat with ear flaps from Zoe Mellor Adorable Knits.
Adjustments: I used a thicker guage and made the med size to get the adult version. I did try to trim in a beige but I thought that was too feminie looking...so solid green it is.
Love this hat. What a great unisex pattern. I am definitely making myself one of these.
So that leaves me with one hat to complete. I have not finialized the details...we have switched from pokemon to other thoughts...I better get on it. I plan to visit my family in the GTA this coming weekend...that means all hats have to be done for gifting.
I still have time for the sweater...but not much longer. I just have to get on knitting those sleeves, they are moving slowly.
AND tomorrow I am back at work...oh man...I must find time to knit!
One hat, two sleeves, and a partridge in a pear tree.
I have been a "lurker" of your blog for a while..but I had to finaaly post a comment.
DANG woman! I am impressed. When I first saw your Christmas Knitting list I laughed and thought you were crazy to think you could get it all done...and now it looks like you will be done with time to spare. (This is the part where I open my mouth and insert foot)
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...you had to put your immediate family on hold..but that does not count in my book..they can get knits from you any old time. =)
Congrats on being almost complete with your list...I just decided a week ago that maybe I should do some holiday knitting..lol. Maybe for next year. =)
Good luck...or should I say break a leg..on your first day back at work. =)
Cute hat...you've done an amazing job keeping up with all of your x-mas knits! Color me impressed!
You are whipping out those presents. Good for you!
LOVE IT! You look so great in hats!
Nice. That is an awesome hat.
That hat looks so awesome!!! Love the green. He will love it!! You are an amazing knitter.
Great hat!
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