Mom - I usually knit something majorish and minor...Major is done, and minor is just about there.
Sibling Exchange - Yeah, I had to do a little cheating with the secret name picking, and this is a major project that I don't even have the yarn for yet.
The nieces
Fana - doll, knit and one outfit done.
Alexis - doll not even near knit.
Georgia (only a month old now!)- a sweater that I keep changing my mind on. I am leaning towards this.
The nephews
Nick - Hat. The request is black with a white stripe near the brim...I am working on it now.
Blake - Hat. Confirmed this evening that he would like the We Call them Pirates hat red with black skulls.
Lukas - Hat. Black and he is all about Pokemon.
Connor - Hat. Not really sure yet, but will confirm with him on the next visit...Nov 7th.
Christopher - Hat. Ditto.
Corey - Hat, I have some ideas. I am thinking stripy...flaps.
The inlaws
MIL - would like a tank or sweater...but I have yet to see her wear the other two tanks or shawl that I have knit her. She like to save things for special occasions.
FIL - He would love another sweater, I am just not sure yet.
Rachele - I think another pair of socks would be great.
Tina - ditto.
Michael - Do I knit for the "boyfriend". He is really in (no pressure Michael if you are reading)...and I really would love a wedding to attend that I can show off my new dance moves!
Lastly but certainly not least...
DH - As picky as my hubby is, I think I may attempt a sweater he would enjoy...seamless hybrid? Can you say brooklytweed wanna be?
Lucca - Again, a sweater...batmanish...superwashish...swishish?
Matteo - Ditto but sub with superman.
Then there are like 10 birthdays before Christmas that I always seem to think I have time to knit for. I really would like to knit things for those family memeber who have yet to get a handknit gift...we'll see....
A little friday eye candy...

We went on our first field trip this morning to pick pie....
I love the idea of the EZ sweater for the month old baby. Elliphantom's turned out so cute. Would you also make the yo-yo? I think it added just the right touch.
I'm hyperventilating here .. are you really, REALLY going to get all that knit before the holidays?? (Gotta hope it's Christmas and not Hanukkah which is even sooner.)
The doll teaser yesterday, may I ask, what pattern?
Geez...I thought I was good for committing to two pairs of slippers. *Maybe* a sweater for Hubbster *after* the holidays.... Can you really knit all that in such a short time?? I'm impressed enough by what you've done already...
Wow, no wonder you have to knit four hours a knit minimum. I hope that wedding doesn't happen before Christmas, or you'll have to knit on the dancefloor!
I don't mean to be rude, but my first thought was "what a madwoman". You can't possibly do all that before Christmas, can you? I say, knit something for yourself instead :). (although knitting for husband and kids is ok).
Holy Christmas List, Batman! Carolyn, my jaw is on the floor with the list of handknits.
Oh, and, um, does anyone want to adopt a reeealllly nice family of four?
Really? You're going to be able to complete all that knitting in time for the holidays? I now feel like the slowest knitter in history!
I know a few people have asked, but I love the idea of knitting dolls for my neices too. Where did you find the pattern?
Love the R2D2 hat and looking forward to the Pokemon hat
[Pikachu? Ash? See, I am up on Pokemon! ;-) ]
Whew....October almost gone and that list facing you?!?! Good luck!!!
You need to call Stephanie's (aka Yarn Harlot) knitting hotline number. She posted it last year before Christmas and it is still working....
I just realized how tired I am when it took me a full minute to realize this wasn't a conversation but a knitting list. I couldn't figure out what you had names crossed off..... lol
Holy crap wonder woman. All that for Christmas? Is the Canadian Christmas farther way than the one here in the U.S.? And I thought I had a lot to knit. (just 2 toddler sweaters for the kiddies of my cousin) You go girl!!!!
I don't see cousin Grumperina on there... hmmm...
That is a L-O-N-G list. But factoring in your almost uncanny speed, I have no doubt you'll make it. I'll enjoy seeing your updates as I frantically scramble to finish knitting 2 or 3 small presents. Go you!
You must be one of the top ten speediest knitters around if that list is in fact for this Christmas (if that was my list it would be achievable perhaps for Christmas 2007, or maybe 2008, but then I suspect I am in fact one of the slowest knitters on the planet - I was planning a pair of socks for my brother for his birthday in June, and it looks like he'll finally get them for Christmas). In many ways I am quite glad that I live on the bottom half of the world - Christmas day is usually a scorcher spent at the beach and so there is no pressure for knittery goodness.
I think your list is giving me a heart attack. Oh. My.
Wow! How do you manage to do all that knitting in a short time? If I had a Christmas list like that I would have to start it now for next Christmas.
I was googling for a pokemon knit pattern to make SOMEthing for my pokemon-obsessed 8YO son and saw your black hat/pokemon on the list. May I ask if you have a pattern for it? Or are you one of those really talented knitters (I think you must be...) who can design on your own???
Thanks for any help,
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