Friday, October 27, 2006

Eye candy friday.

A little eye candy...or eye cookie I should say...

MMMMMMMMMM....sugar cookies!


Stacey said...

YUMMY! My favorite!

Anonymous said...

:o Those are gooooorgeous! Whenever I try icing sugar cookies, they look like melted crayons. Or something else, similarly shapeless and drippy. Nice!

miss ewe said...

MMMmm... reminds me of when I was a kid. Yours look great!

Mariss said...

Are you talented in EVERYTHING!?!? Those are my favorite type of cookies.

What's your frosting recipe of choice?

Anonymous said...

With all that gorgeous knitting and you still have time to bake and decorate cookies??? Move over Martha!

Carol said...

I love 'em send some to me :)

Megan said...

mmm, those look tasty!

Anonymous said...

I think I'm going to have to come over to alleviate you of those cookies! mmmmmmmmmm....

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

If you made and iced those, in addition to your other talents, I may just be too envious and unworthy to come here again.

Anonymous said...

Great job decorating the cookies!

Melissa said...

mmmm, the picture looks good enought to eat!

Anonymous said...

Oh yummy! I wish I had time to make cookies like that! ;_; Great job!

LornaJay said...

So, how DID you get the icing to solidify so well?

LisaB said...

Mmmmm those look so good!

Mag said...

Those cookies spurred a craving in me, so I went off to my local grocery to procure some.
Guess what, on a Friday, five days prior to Halloween, there were NO pumpkin cookies or any other spooky cookies to be had in the bakery. However, I could have bought fresh Christmas cookies, as they had plenty of those. ?!? I just don't get it.