Yes that is pink tile...and a blue sink, as well as a blue tub! Actually, the blue sink was kind of cool.
WAS being the key word.
The entire thing was gutted...including the tiles and fixtures. It's been four years now. I first had it all white...but there were too many shades of white...then there was the problem with white and children.
So it was some shade of green...then recently, only for a moment, it was 2063-70 cumulus cotton...then cc-244 french toast (yes, this colour is very tricky, there is nothing toasty about it. It lasted a couple days)...and now cc-590 grasslands.

Don't mess with a good thing. I like neutrals around me, then I can accent with colours. So, every once in a while I try to play with colour...but as it turns out, the only one I can live with is green.
Now to find a fabric for a roman blind...and it should be done....well, until I want to play with colour again!
Oh, wow! How pretty!
What a difference! It looks great. When I reno my bathroom, can you come and design it for me ;)
It really looks great! I like the dark tile floor, also.
that is a great color, carolyn, and it looks smashing with the white tile and fixtures. :)
That Ben Moore--what a guy!
Very nice -- I especially like the sink faucet. Cool!
I really like the green, it looks great!
oh I love the green/white contrast.. awesome!!!
I really like the color. Don't feel bad about how many times you painted it. I once painted my kitchen 7 times in just a few weeks. My family and friends thought I was nuts, but I finally got a color I loved, so it was worth it.
I love that green!
Girl, that is LOVELY! From the green walls to the dark floor to the glass doorhandles. GORGEOUS! I really should get to work on my own....we have pink tile, the bathtub is VERY worn, the sink just hanging off the wall....I'll use yours as an inspiration!
Green isn't for me, unless it's hunter green. But the bathroom does look very nice.
Great improvement. I love green too.
Great improvements! Now that we own a house, I love getting inspiration from other people's houses!!
Great improvment! Love the way it turned out! The only room I every play with colors is the bathroom - cuz it's so small & easy to paint over!! Great Job!
It looks gorgeous! I love the new color and overall design. I love to play around with bright colors, and have been known to paint my kitchen 3 times in one year. ;)
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