CK and I did some cross border shopping...gotta love Target and Twelve Oaks Mall! Some nice man at the border obviously didn't really care how much we brought back...I think he was digging me ;)
I was determined to put a dent in the test knit for Sundara Yarns....

Some of you know what it is...some of you have guessed...but all I can tell you is this...
I thought I would bore quickly with it...but it is not so. I think it is because I can multi task while knitting this. Watch a movie, entertain, tend to the children, chatty chatty...whatever.
I also timed my SPM while knitting it. There are a couple twisted stitches and purls in the pattern...and my SPM while doing so (pretty much lying down on the couch) is 40.
I can't even fathom how fast 120 SPM is...hence the name fastknitter! I am unable to link to her blog...but she was attempting to break a record this weekend...that just blows my 40 SPM out of the water.
I am curious to see how many I can do while knitting plain stocking stitch...
WOW! I am impressed with your speed! A gal in the SnB group I sometimes attend won a speed knitting contest at Michael's. She knits for other people for money, so perhaps if we did that we would be fast too. Oh yes, she is a continental knitter! I am an English thrower too - but I don't remove my right hand from the needle when I throw. Was going to change, but it is really about the process - isn't it?
Those colors are absolutely glorious. You lucky Sundara sample knitter!
40 sounds pretty good. If you factor in frogging, I think my SPM is often around -17. It always depends on my project, and I usually time minutes per row rather than SPM.
Still loving the colour - it's knitting up beautifully!
40SPM is super fast, as far as I'm concerned.
I was trying to time myself the other night and I am no where near 40 spm, but I noticed something v interesting--I am about 3 times as fast if not more so when I don't watch TV. But I do most of my knitting with the TV or books on tape.
I LOVE cross border shopping! Love Target and Marks. We have several girls weekends in buffalo!
And I adore that yarn colour....I will have to watch sundara like a hawk!
looking good! your 40 SPM will come in handy going across the sleeves. that area was the closest i came to a breaking point!
Wow... I WANT that color yarn. Does Purly have a name or number for that color yet? I'm a member of her sock-club and that raspberry color reminds me of the raspberry color of her June sock-club yarn... which I loved. Maybe it is the same color (which for some reason reminds me of a raspberry snowcone -- the part of the snowcone that has a LOT of flavoring poured on it).
I can't guess what you're making except that if it is a test knit for Purly then maybe some type of original pattern by Purly. I would like to know, though. Sue
So exciting! I can't wait to see this all finished.
And all I have to say is, damn, 40SPM is fast!
I've been reading your blog for a while, and I've always thought the same thing as Grumperina - She knits ALOT! And beautifully! I love looking at your finished projects.
I too am an English thrower and I never think that I knit particularly fast. I've tried Continental but I just don't have the patience to retrain my hands.
So I had to get out a swatch and a timer just to see how fast I really am. In stockinette, I'm pretty much at 30 SPM and I purl just about as quickly (average 28 SPM). I don't rush, and I don't think I want to go any quicker, but boy, could I get a lot more done with just a few more SPM!!
Twelve Oaks? Did you say Twelve Oaks? I grew up at that mall! Back when it was miles down a little country road called 12 Mile that stretched through woods and fields. (Now it's solid shopping.)
Today I went on my very first trip to IKEA. Wowzers. Lucky you -- aren't there about a billion IKEAs in Canada? (and two or so in your neck of the woods?)
Glad I found your blog!
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