Swallowtail shawl needed a little movement last night, so I completed the first lily of the valley chart. I love the little bobbles in the lace.
For those of you who need a good knitalong...there is one here and one here.
Hey, did you notice the needles? That cord is not an addi cord...
As you know, I value Grumperina's knitting opinions...so I finally bought some Bryspuns.
I must say that I do like them. I find they feel a little strange being almost weightless and the needle itself is very flexible. I think I am just not used to that with addis. The tip is perfect for the lace work. The p5tog would be nearly impossible with addi turbos blunt tip.
Hopefully I will finish the shawl this weekend...as for the Sundara project, I have just slipped over the half way mark...ahhhhhh. I feel much better now!
How is the join on the Bryspun? I have a shawl that I am working using Merino Oro that is cobweb weight. The joins on most needles are killing me.
Is the needle slippery like the Turbos or sticky like bamboo????
Inquiring minds want to know.
That purple is absolutely beautiful...
I'm glad that the Bryspun circulars are working for you. When I tried them, the join infuriated me. I'm working on the Inky Dinky Spider stole and the lace-weight I am using is so fine that my stitches stopped dead at the Bryspun join. Its just too bulbous for the stitches to move over. The point was terrific, however. I've ordered a pair of Bryspun straights. I'm sick of fighting the joins on circulars.
I'm an idiot, and must ask for the details on this shawl. I like the little bit of the lace pattern that I see.
Okay, I really am an idiot. A few minutes reading the KAL blog gave me all the info I needed.
Mmmm I love Bryspuns. The lack of weight is wonderful. I have my current lace project on them. And of course the points are perfect.
Love your lace so far - it is so beautiful!
Hi Carolyn,
I read your blog all of the time, but have not commented before. It's a little after the fact, but when you ordered the Kim Hargraves kits did you pay duty /taxes beyond the price of the kit and the shipping (I'm in Canada too)?
Hi Carolyn,
Could you share which yarn you're using in your Swallowtail! I just love how your bobbles are so perky!
Keep up the great work,
(hi neighbor!!!)
The tips on the Bryspuns are awesome, but the flex really throws me off.
Knitpicks has a new line of circular needles with very pointy tips and the slippery feel of Addi's
This is so gorgeous - wonderful pattern, and the color rocks too! Just perfect!
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