You may or may not see the second mitten on the bottom sticking out a little...well, it is about 1/4" wider and longer because I did it stranding with two hands. Not the best idea to switch knitting techniques when 1/2 way through a pair...but I had to master it. As you can see, blocking helped the stitches immensely. I still have some wonky stitches on the edges. Some are pulling the strands too tightly and some are an attempt at weaving in to carry the strand. Learning here.
I must say that they do fit like a glove! Ha. Sorry.

I am glad that I finished them. The yarn did soften up after a wash. It is great for mittens. I totally enjoyed knitting these. I love knittng fair isle. It is just more interesting to me.
Mom really like them, so they were gifted to her. I wouldn't normally gift something knit for learning purposes, but I know she will wear them for walking doors.

Started: February 20, 2006
Finished: March 3, 2006
Pattern: Komi Mitten from Mostly Mittens
Yarn: Garnstudio's Baby Ull NOT the Baby ull that I have seen bloggers knitting with. I had a conversation with the LYS about Baby Ull...which I thought was a brand name but actually just means baby wool...so I have to try the Dale of Norway Baby Ull!
Adjustments: None. I would square off the top and thumb stitches on another pair.
A great knit...even though they are not perfect. I definitely will knit more of these mittens.
they look great to me! what method did you end up deciding on for blocking? did you follow the books instructions and soak for 30 minutes inside out and dry flat? i'm trying to decide on a blocking method for mine (when i finish).
great work!
Great job! They look perfect from here. I think Fair Isle was just the challenge you needed to get you excited about knitting again.
Those look seriously great, I really love the colors! Good job...you fairisle queen!
Those are just fantastic. Great job for a first Fair Isle. And thanks for mentioning that bit about baby ull. I've been going crazy over that. I bought some of the Dalegarn, only to find it is NOT the same as the Garnstudio stuff, being a much finer gauge. I was beginning to think baby ull was a generic term, and I'm glad to see I was right. But it is lovely yarn, nonetheless.
Great gloves! The subtle pattern is beautiful and the colors compliment each other well.
They look perfect to me! And the colour and the pattern are just absolutely downright gorgeous!
Carolyn, they are absolutely fabulous! Stranded goodness is what they are! And isn't the perfect geometry of the Komi motif wonderfully addicting?
These are so gorgeous! The contrast is not so great in the pictures, but I'm sure in real life the shades are beautiful together, not as flashy as most of the model mittens in the book. Great job!
Very, very pretty! What a nice gift for your mom. You are inspiring me to finish my stranded mittens -- they're about 75% done.
Hm, I always thought Baby Ull was a brand name too. Until this very minute actually! I'm glad you set me straight on that.
Like the mittens, but the fingerless mittens interest me more. It is rarely cold enough here to wear mittens, unless I were to take up skiing! Truffles looks good!
Oh nice job on these mittems! They are so fabulous! Congratulations. I think you have mastered stranded knitting!
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