Started: February 10, 2006
Finished: February 25, 2006
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Merino Chunky. 20 Balls in colour 607 (Make note, that between the actual sweater and the swatches, I used 1000m- they called for 871m)
Pattern: Gull Stitch Cardigan IK winter 2005
Adjustments: A little adjustment on the crochet edging you can see here. I did actually do the stem stitch embroidery on the sleeve, but took it out because I didn't really like it. I tried tightening it and then doing it at a lower point, but it just wasn't working for me.
Overall, I do like the cardigan. It is really thick and super heavy. I will be wearing it as a jacket...or I would just overheat indoors! The weight of it is amazing. If I would have known it, I would have tightened up the guage to prevent it from stretching so much. I made the 40" for my 38" bust line...I should have made it smaller. With no ease would have been perfect.
It zips up smoothly...with the crochet edging. Without it, it would snag on the edging.

I love the colour! Debbie Bliss yarns are just fabulous.

Until the next games...
Gorgeous. That color is amazing. COngratulations!
It's gorgeous! It looks so different than the one in the magazine, and I have to say that I like your version much better! :-)
Wow--beautiful! I have to say, I had no interest at all in that sweater, but now that I see yours, I think it is gorgeous! Beautiful job--and in only 15 days!
wow that looks awesome! I wouldnt have been interested otherwise but now you have my attention :)
It's fabulous! Congratulations!
Lovely. Debbie Bliss makes the prettiest colors!
Beautiful! Lovely color - great job:)
Gold medal indeed! Great work, it's beautiful.
Your sweater is sooooo much nicer than the one in the magazine. Yours looks so much more flattering and wearable. Congratulations!
nice, nice nice. Glad you finished right on time.
Yes, and it looks fabulous!
Very nice job of the knitting of a very nice design! The cardigan, and color are very becoming as well. Congratulations on your Gold Medal!
Congratulations! The sweater is amazing, and what a great fit.
Carolyn, it looks great! And you make me drool every time you have your hair all crazy curly. Loves it!!!!
That looks absolutely fabulous!! Ever since I saw that issue I have wanted to make that sweater. Great color on you!!
Carolyn, it's one of the most beautiful sweaters I've seen in a long while, and it looks wonderful on you!
It looks fabulous! I'm so relieved that you took out the embroidery from the sleeves. I did not think it added anything except bulk. :-) It looks much better without it. Glad to hear it wasn't just me that saw it that way. It is just beyond gorgeous now and it looks so good on you.
Congratulations on your gold medal and most importantly on your beautiful sweater! I hope the weather stays cold so you get many chances to wear it before spring.
I really must try Debbie Bliss yarns. Great job!
Beautiful! Your sweater came out great. I am really inspired to knit this one now. Gold medal!
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