Tempted by the beautiful shawls being knit out in knitting blogland, I ordered yarn for Ene's Scarf from Scarfstyle. This project is one of the reasons I bought this book. It is gorgeous. I feel I am ready for it now. I actually ordered the yarn they called for in the pattern. You only use two skeins of Blackberry Ridge's silk/wool blend. The yarn is beautiful, but one of the skeins must have been tied by a beginner...really...it was a mess. So DH sets up his human swift and the first skein went fine. While winding the second one, DH exclaims...
You must imagine macho Italian carpenter uttering these words...really...I didn't even know he knew what a skein was! We finally got our center pull balls...

Thank you Purly for the Meilenweit Cotton Fantasy...I will put it to good use!

My DH has also been getting the mail lately...he just doesn't get why someone would send me yarn, when I have a basket FULL of yarn here. (obviously he hasn't seen the other three baskets in our closet!). So he starts pulling balls and skeins out asking "well, what's this for?" and I would tell him what that ball/skein is for...I have many projects on deck. The he asks "Well, why don't you finished knitting the yarn in here before you get anymore?"
I think this last package confirms...

Glad you got the yarn safe and sound! If you totally hate it when you knit it up, gift it on!
Your husband is hysterical! How sweet of him to be a human swift.
And I LOVE the color you choose for Ene's scarf. I too want to knit this, but probably won't get around to it for another year, so I'm going to knit vicariously through you.
your husband is so funny. one of these days you should take a picture of him and his robotic swift movements. ha ha.. and yea,they will never understand the amount of yarn we must have in stash.. that's just a given. Ene's scarf yarn is delish.. i can't wait to see your scarf. i predict.. utter fabulousness..
Your husband sounds very supportive and sweet, and you're lucky he helps you with winding the yarn! Ene's Scarf (emmm, shouldn't it be shawl?) is simply gorgeous and I have NO doubt that you will do this one justice. You chose a lovely color, too. I look forward to progress pics :).
Aren't husbands great? Mine has so much fun using the ball winder!
I can't wait to see your Ene. The color you picked is so beautiful and vibrant!
I'm laughing at the visual of "robotic movements" cuz my DH used to do the same thing before I got my swift. It's cute that your DH is helpful.
Love the color for Ene's Scarf. I have been eyeing the pattern, but that 300+ sts cast on scares me. Can't wait to see your ES!
Tee, hee. Most men, they just don't get it. Luckily Matt is not brave enough to question my yarn-buying habits.
I love your husband's comment about knitting up what you have before getting new yarn. That's hilarious. Clearly he does not understand that some of our yarn is WAITING, waiting for the Project It Is Meant For. And some yarn is there because it just needed a home. I tend to feel this way about recycled sari yarns.
Too funny, I totally get how your husband will just never get it. My boyfriend plays a great role in ball winding as well--no robot moves though, more of a blank stare with lots of comments along the lines of "you mean there's moooorrreee? How much of this stuff do you have????" I'm pretty sure if we rounded up all of our partners and gave them a blog, it would include such posts as: "Baskets: Ugly wicker furniture that is taking over my home", "What is this yarn doing in the closet?", and "I'm pretty sure you don't need that". :)
Love the colour you chose for the scarf. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
Boys are funny like that. They just have no clue. I just usually counter with something along the lines of "well, what purpose does your Dan Marino shrine have? Do you have a purpose in mind for those stupid Jack Daniel's decanters you 'collect'?" Just say NO to stash harassment! :)
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