I don't know what it is...the inner knitter speaks and I think, yes...they WOULD be better if I would have...
And I don't listen. I swear it happens in every project. Yes, I learn things as I go and would apply the to "the next" project. It is always "if I were to knit these again...". Yet I knit things so quickly...why not rip back and make it right...er...um...near perfect?!?
So that is the story of the two different socks I have on the go.
Escher. I am knitting with Tanis's sock yarn. (I still need to tell you all about the frolic and my love for Tanis's yarn) I absolutely love this yarn and would highly recommend it. There is a rumor that Shall We Knit may be stocking it for those who are local!
So I knit the sock toe up to the heel. Then I couldn't decide on a heel so I knit the second sock up to the heel. Then...oh then...I decide that the toe is too short and they are a bit too tight. I should go up a needle size. Yup. I ripped both back and now have one at the leg.
I stopped knitting because they are a little tight on the leg. Yeah. So I am thinking that I should go up another needle size for my humongo calf...yet I am not sure so I have left it and started knitting....
The Cat Bordhi Spiraling Master Coriolis socks. I will be listening to Cat speak at a "sock talk" next friday so I should really have a pair of her socks under my belt...no? Well...I cast on with the a, b, c, d stitch markers and started the whirlpool toe. Well, I didn't like it...but the problem was really all the dang stitch markers. I don't like stitch markers, they get in my way. I know there are some really cute ones out there...so many talented people making stitch markers but I hate using them. I can't stand things dangling from my knitting. If necessary I use a very small metal circle one...just the circular top thingy...nothing hanging from it.
Anyway, back to the socks. I decided to make a regular toe with judy's magic cast on and away I went. I knit a little at monday's knit and chat..then continued the next day making a fabulous coriolis band...then realized that with this toe I can't make the band go up the leg.
Yeah...that is why she says to do the whirlpool toe.
I settled for the basic coriolis sock and turned the heel. Now I have decided it is too tight. It needs a few more stitches around...and the toe section should have been 1/4" longer.
I haven't ripped it yet...but I started a second sock with the proper toe and 4 more stitches.
All for 4 more stitches.
Yup, that is the way I am doing it now...near perfect.
how do i comment to this post? your post has made me dizzy, dizzy, dizzy I say! but I soooo totally get it. i really do.
so let me just say this...
the yarn is gorgeous! Tanis... yummm.....
...wait till you see my Tanis handspun... oh wait i am not showing you, you might not give it back :(
rumour has it... that Shall We Knit has ordered some Tanis yarn... but you didn't hear that from me!
Is your Coriolis really too tight, or is it just a challenge to get over your heel? I struggle to get my pair on my foot every time I wear them, but they are 100% comfortable once they're on. Just thought that might be a useful nugget of information ...
I feel your pain. Each of the last six socks I've knit have had some amount of frogging for totally different reasons each time. So annoying but the finished sock is all the better for the frustration.
Also, I'm curious what pattern/stitch pattern you're using on the first socks as I quite like it.
Good luck with all those socks.
Hi, I had to comment about your sock dillema because I was right there about a year ago. I knit a pair of the Coriolis socks from Cat's book, and just trying to read the directions made me crazy - they skip back and forth to so many different pages! Anyway, I don't care for star-shaped toes, so I knit a short-row toe, and did manage to make it work. You just have to start the spiral part a bit later so that it will cross over to the edge of your foot at about the same time or just after the heel-turn. Mine are here http://www.ravelry.com/projects/shellykang/master-coriolis in Ravelry, although the picture doesn't show what I'm talking abut very clearly. Hope that helps!
Wow. That "near perfect" is a whole lotta work! Good luck with all of your sock challenges.
Well, I barely understood a word of this post so I can't offer empathy, but I will say that the green sock is pretty. :)
Actually, all that sounds like fun. That is, if you like the yarn, why not knit it over again? Especially if you can improve them. Not only is the yarn gorgeous, I love that pattern, Escher.
Good to know that I am not the only one out there who likes to knit, rip and re-knit in the name of getting the project closer to perfection! :)
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