Pattern: Enchant by Kim Hargreaves found in Nectar
Yarn: Rowan Calmer...not sure how much because it was recycled from Air...that was never worn.
Adjustments: None. Knit to the pattern. Note that it is knit in one piece...then the edging is knit seperately and seamed on. So you really have to love seaming.
I love Kim's patterns. They are well written and so wearable...I know you have heard me say this before.
I love wearing tank tops...all year long. I layer them with whatever...or on their own in the summer. This little shrug is perfect for going over top of a tank. Plus I have already worn it...this is a good sign!
At this past Tuesday's guild meeting we were so lucky to have Sally Mellville and her daughter as the feature speakers. They have written a fabulous book Mother-Daughter knits 30 knits that flatter and fit. Sally spoke to having pride in your craft and wearing your hand knits. Knit things you would wear...shapes of items already in your wardrobe.
I understand knitting for the process...totally...but I would really like to wear what I knit. Sally had some great ideas for your perfect length of knits and what to wear with them...but no skinny pants for me;)
Thankfully...Liz picked up the book! I am really drawn to the Camelot Coat, the Classic Shirt, and the long and short of it pullover...to name a few! Just filling up the queue!
Very cute shrug! It looks great on you.
gosh! you have golden hands and you are pretty as well ... your family has a treasure in you.
I agree with all you said here. Re the shrug, tank tops and Sally Melville.
The shrug looks gorgeous on you:) Love the tubular cast off you used for the ribbing...and yes, you have to love seaming for this particular garment!!
Love the shrug!
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