I have been seaming the border as I go...it doesn't feel like such a daunting task this way.
I also cast on for another pair of socks for my DH.
I love this pattern. I attempted to make a pair for myself as posted previously but the yarn was not working for the pattern. I like tighter gauges for socks so I am now using some Regia Silk in grey and Lang Jawoll in a blue grey colourway. I picked up the Jawoll friday night from Shall We Knit. I love this yarn! It even comes with a matching spool of reinforcement thread! You've gotta love that! There was a purple colourway as well...I think I will be knitting myself a pair next. Heather is casting on the plaid socks with me. We are having our own little hearty man plaid sock knit a long...don't be afraid to join in;)
Karen of SWK let me in on her next knit...and yes I have been dreaming about it ever since. She is knitting the Pimlico Shrug by Tracey Ullman and Mel Clark using Koigu Kersti...oh can you just imagine?! I am so into shrugs lately and knew I had seen that pattern before..yeah I fav'd it four months ago! Now, I just need to open my own yarn store or win the lotto inorder to knit it out of Kersti! Yes I know you can sub in a cheaper yarn...but I am sure I will be set on Kersti when I see hers.
You temptress you! No, really, she is a great shop keeper who knows her customers.
Bravo Karen...well played:)
I also finished up another store sample for Karen last week...details are coming...
*please excuse any typos or slurring of words...I had two doses of migraine pills in the last 18 hours.
Gorgeous in-progress knits. I hope you feel better soon.
Actually, "seaming the border as I go" is VERY smart - you know you have it exactly the right length, then. Ask me how I know :s
Hope the migraine is better - as a sufferer - I know. Ugh.
And, I am delurking. I just LOVE your blog and can't wait for the updates!
Mel from Oz :)
Hello, I love your blog so far. I just had to comment about the migraines. I too suffer through them, I recently found that Bath and Body sells a homeopathic (sp?) oil for migraines, it works wonderfully! It doesn't fix it all on it's own but it's a close thing. Best $10 I ever spent.
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