You see where I am going? Well, me neither.
I knew it would not be is deeper than my monitor is showing...but it is this weird fleshy tone. AND the yarn I thought might soften up...but is the scratchiest yarn ever. EVER.
So I knit a swatch and soaked it in conditioner...awaiting the results.
Option 1
An afghan. The colour could possibly work because it is almost "stonehouse" which is on my livingroom walls...and in my sisters kitchen that adjoins her livingroom which is "herbes de provence." So, it would be a nice colour to go on her leather sofa....well maybe a leather chair...well, whatever leather piece she buys. (get rid of those puffy sofas!)
I love Girasole and will be knitting this for that is a possibility.
Option 2
Hope the conditioner softens it enough that it could be an "outwear" sweater - nothing against the skin. Now that being said, I will need to overdye it another colour. Black - grey, purple, green? Suggestions?
I'm liking it for an afghan. For one thing, you could keep the color. For another, I would never be able to fully love a scratchy sweater, even as outerwear.
I agree with Annika, I know the time I spent knitting a scratchy sweater would be a total waste. Is it too scratchy even to be a comfortable afghan? Maybe everyone in your family will be getting stone colored mitten this year for Christmas!
Hi! Constant lurker, infrequent commenter. I don't like the idea of making the doily-looking afghan out of it. I think it is "hand dyed" looking enough to take away from the patterning and because it does look kind of "tea dyed", you risk the afghan looking "tea spilled on" (aka dirty).
I'd love to see you overdye it with... maybe a plum color. Or try again with a rich brown. Or you could do what I do when I get ahold of hideously scratchy wool- make a big old felted bag.
The color looks like wheat on my screen. Shame it's so scratchy, it looks so soft in the pic! I agree with Annika though, I don't like scratchy sweaters so I'd go for an afghan.
I still like the colour as is. How about felting projects. Mittens. Hats. Slippers?
Perennial lurk, new commenter: I think you should re-dye it a nice rich brown. I disagree though with the sweater v. afghan crowd - I think a scratchy outerwear sweater is better than a scratchy afghan.
I like the Girasole idea....I have that in my queue it.
I think it would look nice in your yarn
I think you could overdye it a rich deep green or dark purple. (You have to make sure to have enough dye for the amount of yarn, though, or you won't get a dark colour.)
Can you make something felted and be happy with it? Afghans and sweaters should all be soft and cuddly, not scratchy. But, it sounds like it would make durable, warm slippers that could be worn around with socks.
I vote for Girasole or some aran type afghan.
OR dye it something deep and beautiful. Plum maybe
your blog never disappoints! thanks so much for sharing and inspiring. Your knits are just fab. You seem to be surrounded by knitters. I guess that's the norm in Canada? I was practically a "closet knitter" till I met up with a group at my LYS. Maybe the colder weather make more people appreciate the pure value of a warm knit. BTW, it doesn't hurt that your "models" are so good looking: yourself, all the kids featured, the knits.....
oh and the yarn: I agree that an overdye of a rich brown/bronze shade would make a great afghan, but you need a more rustic stitch, like the Manos del Uruguay seasons afghan--each block a different stitch but all in the same color. I've seen that done and it looks beautiful (and fun to knit--I just started one).
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