I am working on one of those projects.
I'm excited because it is turning out just as I wanted....I am using one of my favourite yarns...and I am using me brains to make up the pattern!
Here is the first Picot Edge Mitten
What do you think? (please ignore the box of canned tomatoes in the background...I didn't realize they were in the shot...and you have no idea how hard it is to take a photo with two children running around you...screaming...throwing a fit about some buildabear hat...the crying...oh the crying...or maybe you do know.)
I really like the garter stitch edging. It just hugs the wrist...just like I wanted it to! The pattern is simple and the outcome is beautiful. What more could you want...besides the other mitten...and maybe a copy of the pattern!?
Cool! Totally inspires me to bust out my Harmony Guides that I got for xmas and doodle up some mitts for myself! After I finish the second sock of the pair I'm working on. And another few things from the UFO pile that just need seaming ..... ::sigh:: I need more hours in the day!
That mitten is absolutely gorgeous! I've never seen a cuff comprised of garter stitch, and I just love it -- the pattern on the body of the mitten is great, too. Thanks for sharing a pic.
it's so pretty! and i would have never realized it was a garter stitch ribbing if you hadnt said so! v. pretty!
Absolutely beautiful. Are you going to share the pattern?
Yes, please share the pattern. Just delightful!
I love it! I would totally make a pair if I had the pattern.
Great pattern! My friend just asked for mittens so I'd love the pattern!
Cute mittens! I love all the texture.
Be proud of yourself, it's very nice looking! Is there an edging along the side of the garter cuff, or does it just look like there is?
Those are lovely mittens. The stitch pattern is really great. Did you come up with it yourself or get it from a dictionary? They look like they fit wonderfully too! My frosty fingers hope you write up a pattern!
Well they are great! I like the pattern.
it's very pretty, and very gansey! beutiful!
This is REAAALLLY nice... congrats!
Love the pattern and the color. I didn't realize it was a garter stitch cuff, great idea!!
about the kids: girlfriend, I DO know...cool mitts anyway and you can't even see the box in the background. my kids are now 14.5 and 13, and I wish I would have had some knitting for some sanity when they were little....oh I remember the screaming...mine, not theirs (LOL, only kidding). Now its the bicker, bicker, bickering that goes on until I get my stomache in a knot...then it stops.
Hooray- they look lovely. What a wonderful pattern, I will have to give it a try!
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