This knitting thing can suck you in.
It can take over your life.
It can satisfy you like nothing else.
It has been known to make you very happy...but be can easily take you down.
I decided to continue with the sleeves that I was working on when I realized the huge mistake. Simple st st.
That's all I could handle. I did weigh all my options. (thank you all for your suggestions)
I considered what everyone said...and yes, I eventually ripped that front.
Funny how most of you saw the gigantic mistake, and only a few noticed that stupid cable mistake that I was originally talking about. Sometimes you just need another set of knit bloggers!
I kept the original picot cast on and moss stitch edge...then I sat and knit. I knit...and knit...and the good ole days. That's right...the front, the sleeves and the flap top for the pockets...
I am a KNITTER! Hear me ROAR!
I never had a doubt.
ROARRRRR! Glad you're back.
It looks awesome! You will feel so smug anytime you wear this sweater, knowing what you had to go through to get it finished!!
i bow to your patience!
Looks gorgeous!
Just think how much this beautiful sweater will mean to you!!! It will all be worth the struggle!
Great job! Way to show that knitting who's boss.
Sweet. Now didn't that feel great!
So happy to see your back on top of things again.
Oh my gosh, I see it now! I just assumed the two fronts were supposed to be different! You poor poor thing, but good for you for re-knitting it. You know, there's actually a pattern in the most recent IK that is different on both fronts ON PURPOSE. Guess why I thought you were making something similar to that pattern. Anyway.... good job. Can't wait to see it finished.
Yay! I hold up my knitting needles to you in solidarity!
Roar!!! Yay you!!!
It is coming along beautifully! I think that knitting lends itself to those of us who want perfection in our chaotic lives. You have complete control, that sweater doesn't own you! Can't wait to see it finished! :)
You go girl. :)
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