As I run out the door minutes before the bus is to pick up my son...
to walk PAST the perfectly good public school right outside my front door...
three blocks with two children, so he can go to a Catholic School...
to watch the bus that is to pick him up turn a street to early for the fourth time this year...
run home the three blocks to get them in the car...
drive miles to his school to drop him off late...
where there are no "kiss and ride" adults to take him into the school...
then two buses pull up behind me...
Can you believe the bus driver is *shooing* me out of the way!?...
Guess what the good Catholic mother did...
I just wonder why.
Anyhoo...some knitting.
Started: October 2, 2006?
Finished: October 14, 2006
Pattern: Rib and Cable Socks from IK fall 2005
Yarn: Koigu, not sure the exact colour code. I really love this yarn. That was the last of it in my stash...I need more Koigu!
Needles: Knitpicks US#2...I LOVE these needles.
Adjustments: I shortened the cuff, for fear I would run out of yarn. I could have made it another inch though.
I really like the stretchy cuff on these. I know I have cast on with two strands for a shawl, but for socks it is great. I've tried to do the cast on around two needles and that doesn't work for me. Using two strands make a nice stretchy cuff.
These are a great pair of socks. I really love the pattern. It keeps your interest the entire time. I definitely will be making more of these.
A fabulous gift...for a knitblog friend.
Great socks. I have made those socks too. I used the Mountain Colors yarn called for in the pattern. I like that yarn (but I like Koigu too).
Gee, that really is unacceptable school bus driving. Consider phoning Transportation immediately the next time your bus driver skips your bus stop and explain the problem. I believe they have to then send the bus back to pick up your kid(s). Believe me, the driver probably wouldn't make that mistake again. I have our school system's transportation number stored in my cell phone for those kinds of problems. Good luck.
You are FRIGHTENINGLY fast!!! Pretty socks, and yes, Koigu rocks.
Great socks! Defintely a great Koigu color, but then I love them all!
Although I am a big, big fan of public schools over parochial, I must say that the bus system can really stink with either one. Follow Sue's advice and call Transportation every single time the bus driver misses your stop. If you don't complain, how will they know what s/he is doing?
I've not heard of the 2-strand cast on. Would you describe it or provide a link to a tutorial? Thanks!
Great socks - I have that pattern and some koigu...hmmm... :)
sorry to hear about the bus issue...
Lovely socks! I've heard that the knitpicks size 2s are really more like what others call 3s, but have yet to test this myself. (This discrepancy means, thus far, that I have an unused Knitpicks circular size "1" sitting around waiting for somthing that needs a 1.5. Ah well).
I'll be driving my Girly to Catholic shcool too. The public school here is not perfectly good. You should file a complaint about the driver though. The drivers are supposed to be as close to the correct time as possible. Even if it means that they drive really slow for a bit.
I love the color on these. I've knit this pattern too, and I loved it. I really like the Welsh heel shaping; it looks great and fits my heels pretty well. I took a schoolbus to Catholic high school and I was tardy almost everyday because all the public school kids were dropped off first. It really bothered the school office staff, but my parents told me that a Catholic school should understand the "grand scheme of things." Sorry you had to go through all that today.
I need to hear more about this two strand cast on also. Please enlighten us!!
Been there and done that Catholic school bus thing, I feel your pain!
I need to hear more about this two strand cast on also. Please enlighten us!!
Been there and done that Catholic school bus thing, I feel your pain!
I hope the Catholic mother parked her vehicle, got out, and nicely explained to the bus driver why she was there (again) and what he can do to avoid such issues in the future, then called the school.
Or maybe you just flipped him off. :-)
Pretty socks.
They Look GREAT!
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