Monday, October 30, 2006

Baa baa...

Check it out!

I am loving it!

This teal baby cashmerino is just gorgeous...and those sheep! Come on!

Working the skirt in the round was perfect. I divided at the arm holes for the front and back then worked them separately.

My worry was the head hole.
I've given birth to a 9lb 6oz baby...and I KNOW that those heads are big, trust me on this one.

The dress, as constructed, is a pull over the head number...well, this worried me. I just couldn't see it I decided to make a slit in the back and will put a looped button hole for a button there.
This brings up problems with the collar. I will have to split it in the back...I am just not sure of the aesthetics of it all...we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

For now...I am working the arms top down! Oh how fun these short rows are!


Karyn said...

How sweet! It almost makes me want to have another baby, but since my youngest is already 5, and she's daughter #5, I guess I'll just have to wait for a granddaughter.

I can't wait to see the dress finished. Your work is beautiful and the color is perfect.

Anonymous said...

It's adorable! I love, love, love it. I think a slit in the back will work just fine. I can't wait to see the finished product and hopefully a picture of it on its recipient.


Anonymous said...

WOW. I looooooove it. I think the slit at the neck will be just fine and much more comfortable for the baby and whoever's dressing her!

I actually like it quite a bit without sleeves... I can just see it with white tights, a white long sleeved onesie underneath, and black patent leather shoes :) or little matching booties. Depends how big the baby is.

Oooh now you've gotten me thinking, I might have to pick that pattern up!

Sue said...

Wow you knit that up so fast. It is beautiful, and the teal is just gorgeous. I cant wait to see the finished dress, and not all 9lb babies have big heads. My daughter was easier to give birth to than my 7lb son was, and he had a round head, so maybe its just the shape of the head, not the weight of the baby. I am sure that your dress will fit her easily though.

Megan said...

I am ded from the cute! Very lovely.

Anonymous said...

Top down sleeves? Please, please tell me you know of a tutorial somewhere that says how to do that. I just finished the body and sleeves of a sweater coat for my soon-to-be-born niece. There is no way the sleeves are going to fit. (This after I reknit them because I assumed I knit them incorrectly the first time - which I didn't.)

Anonymous said...

Whoops, I'm Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

That little dress is too much!!! Your niece will love it, it's adorable. Your modification make perfect sense :).

Courtney said...

SO adorable! I love the fuzzy little sheepies!
I think that the split neck is a great solution. Lord knows, babies have big heads. :)

Anonymous said...


miss ewe said...

Beautiful!!! Great colour, and gorgeous design. And those sheep *are* adorable!

Ashley said...

That is really cute. It is driving me crazy that my sister won't find out the sex of her upcoming baby--I want it to be a girl so I can knit it this! (I guess I could adapt the sheep to a little sweater--but the dress is so sweet.)

Anonymous said...

totally beautiful. i love it. love the color, love the bodice!

Singular Stitches said...

So beautiful!! I just cannot get over your speedy knitting!!!

earthchick said...

OMG! I think my uterus just quivered. The wee knits tend to do that to me, but WOW yours is sooo cute.

Anonymous said...

I would like to order 10 of these dresses for my boutique here in the UK... assorted colours. Can you please give me some pricing. Thank You

silverarrowknits said...

That is the most precious thing that I have ever seen!

Coleen said...

so cute! I love the sheep!

Theresa said...

That looks great in the bright color - much more inspiring than in the original photo.

Anonymous said...

You could just put a second loop and button for the top of the collar. It's so cute! I love the sheep.

Jeanne said...

That is really adorable!

Stephanie said...

I love the little dress! It will be perfect for the baby.

Stacey said...

How cute would those sheep be around a hat or pair of socks!!!! Adorable! The teal is a wonderful color - so rich!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! how in the heck do you do it!

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this dress. Is this the cutest thing or WHAT?? I agree with Risa though; it is darling as is, without sleeves. But then, I live in a warm-weather area, so nobody does long sleeves.....

Anonymous said...

So so cute! I *love* the sheep!!

sparkli said...

i was going to ask if it even needed a collar! but if it's going to have sleeves, it might look funny without a collar. :D however, this would make a CUTE summer dress! i'm thinking cotton and little sunshines instead of sheep. :D looks wonderful, hun! :D

Emma said...

So. Cute!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness this is too cute! i agree, knit the skirt in round and fair isle the sheep (i assumed that's what you did in the end)!! i have that same book, too. i'd love to make this dress one day!

Karen said...

That is adorable!

femiknitter said...

Just delurking to say: Wow, that's super cute! I've never knit any baby clothes (I don't really like them), but that is adorable!

Vicki said...

Cute cute cute!!

Anonymous said...

I'm pregnant, and I'm finding out the sex in a few weeks....This dress makes me want to have a girl!! It's adorable! I hope I get to knit it!

Anonymous said...

Which/whose pattern did you use? It's really great & I hope it's still available.