Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Come on in...can I offer you a drink?

I feel like I'm sitting in my pj's knitting at 2 in the afternoon and someone is knocking at the door...

Welcome all ye followers of Grumperina!

Kathy...what can I say? To even be mentioned on your blog...I am truly humbled.
It is funny how my FO's inspire you when picking your projects, because your blog is the one that started all of this.

So what came first the chicken or the egg?

Your knitting inspires me and your brilliant mind baffles me.
Thank you so much for sharing your adventures in knitting.

Now...I must neaten up the blog because the visitors are coming!


Lori said...

Alright, guilty as charged... I'm a new Carolyn-convert, courtesy of Grumperina :)
I'm fascinated as well, by you both!

Scoutj said...

I saw that and giggled and wondered if you would be ready for the onslaught!

Anonymous said...

Me too! I came over from Grumperina...saw the quality and promptly added you to my bloglines! Great blog and nice FOs!

Anonymous said...

I added you to my bloglines too! No need to tidy up, your blog looks great to me!

Anonymous said...

I want all your projects. I want that Rowan sweater you just knit. And the green short-sleeved one. And one of those dolls you make for your nieces. And your Diamond Fantasy Shawl while you're at it. Whenever I think, "what should I knit next?" I just go to your blog. And seriously, did you need to show me that new elann yarn?

It's great knowing you, Carolyn!

Anonymous said...

Since I'm going to need a little lie down after the shock of the total number of FO's in your 2006 photo album, yes please, a drink would be very nice.

I've either got to spend less time reading blogs or just learn to knit faster...

bunchkin said...

Hi! Nice to meet you, a Diet Coke would be great!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, you're bookmarked now! Grumperina did it to you! how great though! this is how we find more and more blogs! nice knitting! thanks for the idea about "Fetching" - I see a Christmas gift in the making...btw, you're blog is very nice.

Anonymous said...

I too come from Grumpland and I am so glad I did! LOVE YOUR BLOG! I wish I finished as many things as you do!

Anonymous said...

*wipes feet*

Hello there!

Anonymous said...

Why, thank you. I'm just over from G's will be a regular visitor if that's alright. I've been eyeing Fetching and wishing someone else would go first. Bingo! Nice place you have here.

Anonymous said...

Suddenly, my goal of having 12 FO's in 2006 seems a bit paltry. Both you and Grumperina inspire me daily!

Anonymous said...

I am coming for drinks, casino time and shopping in the USA I hope you will still have time for me. And with all this company is the guest bed still available??


Wendy Stackhouse said...

You were on my list already!

Liz K. said...

C, you deserved all the kudos Grumperina sent your way! Couldn't have happened to a nicer knitter!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering how many people will be visiting your blog now, thanks to Grumperina. I found it through her site too, and love your work. I defintely look forward to seeing more of your work!

Jofrog said...

It's true, I'm here from Kathy, but I'm here to stay! I love your "Forcast". I never looked twice at the pattern from the Knitty pics, but it's on my list now. Cherry is another I've had my eye on and you did an awesome job. Can't wait to read more.

Anonymous said...

i'm here from grumperina too.
i spent 2.5 hours last night just surfing your blog...
you are a new favourite--but it seems i'm not the only one to have recently found you.
keep up the amazing knitting and btw the blog looks great!!!

onescrappychick said...

What is it.. 6 degrees of seperation... glad to have found you.. your work is gorgeous and your FO lists have me green with envy. My list of UFO's is about as big.