"Freaking awesome"
"This is just Gorgeous"
"Hot, hot, hot"
"Just gawgus!!!"
Must I go on?! I love knit bloggers!
A couple answers for you...
"By the way, how do you manage to get it buttoned up like that without gaping on a negative-ease sweater?"
I don't know. Really. I was worried, but it just worked out. It may be the yarn...it is just wonderful. It gives you some play. Maybe the choice in buttons has something to do with it. There wasn't a huge amount of negative ease and there are ten buttons down the front. Luck, I would say.
"And did you love knitting with the Jo Sharp?"
I love this Silkroad Aran Tweed. It is fabulous to knit with. It blocks wonderfully and it just looks fantastic!
"I'm also curious as to how you got enough yarn to finish."
Well, I just got lucky. I didn't save any information from the yarn and had no idea of the dyelot. I went to my LYS with the scraps and found a ball. The colour looked like a good match. End of story. Luck, again.
Also, I forgot to say in the finish knit information that I did a 3 stitch bobble, not the 5 stitch one. I had mentioned that in early progress posts, but I will add it to the final information for reference.
I can't believe those that I have inspired to knit Forecast! I can't wait to see yours!
Now...I finally blocked the second pair of Komi Mittens. I can now consider them complete.
Started: March 5, 2006
Finished: March 25, 2006 (blocked April 7, 2006!)
Yarn: Garnstudio Baby Ull grey, cream and purple.
Pattern: Knitting Marvelous Mittens
Adjustments: I squared off the top and the thumb. I just think the written pattern makes them too long and too pointy for my tastes.
Here is a closeup of the blocked stitches...they are just so perfect!
The patterns in this book are fabulous. I really enjoy the stranded knitting...as I may have mentioned before!
Also...a little sockpal progress. This is all I have on the needles right now.
Now...what next? I'm looking for some inspiration.
Maybe some lace?
A blogging question...how do you attach a file (pdf) to your blog? Anyone?
Look at those gorgeous mittens! Even you yourself say that the stitches are perfect :).
Wow - loving the mittens! Almost makes me want to try color work....almost. The socks are great too - I'm liking the lighter color it really shows off the pattern well (I did mine in a navy).
You should be able to link to the .pdf file just as you would any webpage. < a href="http://sitename.com/filename.pdf" >PDF name here< /a > (remove spaces within < > of course).
good call on squaring off the tops. i was wanting to do that with mine too... although i finished the first one in all of its pointyness... i feel forced to finish the other one in the same manner. although i could frog the first one just a bit to fix it. i dont know if i have the patience. anyway, i like yours better! mitten evolution.
Beautiful mittens - you have such wonderful, even stitches - it's just amazing! I honestly think your forecast is better than the original - I want to make it after seeing your's - and I didn't when I saw the original.
Thanks for the addtl info on the Masterpiece. I am seriously considering buying yarn for this one. Excitement!
Your mittens look so great! You are on a roll!
Oh, your stitches are so perfect! You are such a good knitter!
I agree that your Forecast is one of the most spectacular sweaters I've ever seen! I'm linking to it from my blog so others can drool! I have two questions for you. First, what size did you make for yourself (I remember you saying that you're losing weight) and how accurate was the pattern sizing? And second, (or is this third?) what other yarns are similar (in your opinion) to the Jo Sharp yarn you used?
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