With a little knitting A.D.D. of the current projects...I decided that I better start my socks for sockapaloooza. Now, before you start wishing that they are yours due to my previous hinting...well, note to self...sock sister is not sock pal. Read the email carefully!
Anyway...here is the start of the embossed leaves socks from the winter IK.
This cast on is new to me...and I love it. It is called a tubular cast on (well, not like the tubular cast on I have done before with a provisional start). It is quicker to do than the other tubular cast on that I have done and it makes a beautiful edge on the cuff. I also love the 1x1 twisted ribbed cuff. I will definitely be using these techniques for other socks!
A little blogging question:
Do you have problems downloading my site? There has been some concern about picture size. Help me please...I really know nothing about sizing pictures (I figured photobucket did it for me). Any computer knowledge in this area will help. I'd hate to think people don't want the visit this here site because of this.
I love the purple socks! I'll have to look up that sock pattern for the cast on.
As far as the site, it does take quite a while to load for me...
Your socks are looking purty!
I do have to wait a bit for the site to load, as well. Don't know much about picture sizing though.
I have to wait as well, and yes, your photo is rather large - pixel-wise. I can help you with sizing. Send me an email and we'll talk.
The socks look great. That's a great pattern.
I don't have any problems getting your page to load quickly, but I have cable internet.
i'm not sure if this is what people are talking about or not. when i look at your site through my RSS reader, the pics are skewed. when i view them on the site, they're perfect. i took a look at your HTML and i know why this is happening. you have both style height and width attributes as well as well as the older method of specifying height and width. if you want to know more just email me back -- i'd be happy to talk you through what i mean :)
I really don't have a problem with your site. In fact it is at the top of my list of sites I visit each day. I have learned so much from your site. I have ordered Interweave Knits and am closely scrutinizing the mailman these days. I see so many great things from the Winter 2005 that I might just have to order a copy. Keep up the great work on your site - I'll be back and often!
While I appreciate the abundance of pictures on your site, it does take noticeably longer to load than others. The pictures in the entries actually seem to load quickly; it is the content in your sidebar that holds things up (I think).
The socks you're making are at the top of my list to make next for my grandma - they are SO pretty :).
My computer has froze once or twice in the past when I've gone to your site, but not lately.
"note to self...sock sister is not sock pal"
Well dang. That is too bad, because these would definitely have been on my "Oh, I hope those are mine!" shortlist :)
Sock looks great! I am going to finally break down and try a pair I think!
Your site does take awhile to load, but I always patiently wait. It is always worth it! :)
I agree with grumperina (does anyone ever not?). I have a fast internet connection, but I notice that your site and other that have the flickr slideshow-y thing take noticeably longer to load.
It's been so long since I finished the first Embossed Leaves sock, that I'm going to have to relearn the cast-on for the second one. It was new to me too and I had the same opinion as you. Love it! It makes a nice stretchy edge, perfect for ribbing.
I have DSL and I do occasionally have trouble with your site but it's the Flickr thingy that holds me up not your pictures. The size that your pictures are displayed is pretty normal for the blogs I visit so I don't think they are DISPLAYED as too big. I do know there is a way that the picture file may be huge but it may be displayed as smaller which will cause things to bog down. Ask one of the smarter people how to fix that.
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