Friday, March 31, 2006

The mojo returns.

It's all ok. I don't know why you were all so worried.

It's not too'll be just perfect.

Check out the heel. The garter stitch edging looks much better in the tighter stitch.

I am feeling much better about your socks Sockpal! Who wouldn't love these socks?;)


Scoutj said...

Am I your pal? Please? I want them!

j a r e d said...

sweet sweet success! they look great. better than any of the other options i think.

thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Beautiful - but the camera has 'darkened' the wool! Your sockpal will enjoy wearing these beauties.

Anonymous said...

Much better! Those socks look and fit great!

Laura said...

They're gorgeous! I'd love them. :)

LisaB said...

They look divine! Way to persevere and get your mojo back! :)

LotusKnits said...

Wow, very lovely! Nicely done!

Anonymous said...

I'm very jealous of your sock pal!

Knittypants said...

Those look great! Nothing to worry about.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that heel looks awsome. Love the color, too.

Dropstitchknitter said...

Personally, I wasn't worried, but it seemed like everyone else was. I knew you'd pull it off - those sock are to die for!!